i made this deck be4~now i lowered the cost of playing it~kaibaman and white stone of legend is somehow expensive here~kaibaman secret rare rm50 ea,and white stone rm30 ea~(that's scary...=.=)~BEWD! with only 1 tuner monster in this deck,it son't synchro much~ just a fun deck actually~get another 3 extra honest dunno do what,so just rebuilt my BEWD~
monster x21
blue eyes white dragon x3
felgrand dragon x1
prime material dragon x2
honest x3
kaiser sea horse x3
mirage dragon x3
raiou x2
Light lord hunter ryokou x2
BF-gale of hurricane x1
cyber dragon x1
magic x9
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
ancient rule x2
dragon mirror x1
future fusion x1
burst stream of desturction x1
trade in x2
trap x 10
tornatial tribute x1
birthright x3
beckoming of light x2
reckless greed x3
call of haunted x1
thinking of put divine warth into this deck actually~but reckless greed will be more nicer,in my opinion la~xD
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
koa'ki meiru bergzak deck
well,i try to figure out how to play a pure koa'ki meiru deck,but it don't seems to work.... i think only some of the koa'ki meirus can play in the deck that base on thier type~like drago, guardian, power hand or bergzak~
i played drago b4,a deck combine with arms dragon lvl~with no specil summoning light and dark, even gorz can't come out if you direct attack, not even battle fadder~ arms dragons are wind~so they can be lvled~
but the deck i choose today is-koa'ki meiru bergzak~~the most commen koa'ki meiru to play with~ a 4 stars monster with 2000 atk point,it has really insane effect too~
not too much on talk~let's see the deck~
monster x19
add on 3 jean and garoth really helps~add on draw powers with solar recharge and milling effect~well,i've tried this out abt few months ago d~just some1 call me to pull the deck out to play with others,so i decide to post in here 1st~=D
i played drago b4,a deck combine with arms dragon lvl~with no specil summoning light and dark, even gorz can't come out if you direct attack, not even battle fadder~ arms dragons are wind~so they can be lvled~
but the deck i choose today is-koa'ki meiru bergzak~~the most commen koa'ki meiru to play with~ a 4 stars monster with 2000 atk point,it has really insane effect too~
not too much on talk~let's see the deck~
monster x19
koa'ki meiru bergzak x3
light lord warrior garoth x3
light lord paladin jean x3
dark scorpion-meanae the thorn x3
the immortal bushi x2
necro guardna x2
D.D lady warrior x2
holy knight ishzark x1
magic x16
warrior returning alive x3
unity of family x3
shrink x3
solar recharge x2
light lord warrior garoth x3
light lord paladin jean x3
dark scorpion-meanae the thorn x3
the immortal bushi x2
necro guardna x2
D.D lady warrior x2
holy knight ishzark x1
magic x16
warrior returning alive x3
unity of family x3
shrink x3
solar recharge x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
lightning voltex x1
pot of avarice x1
reinforce of army x1
trap x5
royal decree x3
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
heavy storm x1
lightning voltex x1
pot of avarice x1
reinforce of army x1
trap x5
royal decree x3
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1

add on 3 jean and garoth really helps~add on draw powers with solar recharge and milling effect~well,i've tried this out abt few months ago d~just some1 call me to pull the deck out to play with others,so i decide to post in here 1st~=D
Thursday, November 26, 2009
dunno why...=.=
well,play maple or RO for so long~i realize 1 thing,these game really can change people's heart...
walk on the game streetz,every sitting face to face,boy calling girl "dear", girl calling boy "darling"...dun think those are sweet,you'll nvr know what behine it...using people? using the relationship to get more rare items? fame? playing?
sometime when i training,one girl character come and ask me to be her "darling"...i wonder, how can you simply ask a stranger to be your life partner? withouth any knows of him/her... is not that i don't belive in loves,or love in the 1st sight...but,this is too fake,inside a gamming world,how can you know the other side is really a good guy or bad guy? or maybe a girl character is played by a boy? to cheat u? to take your things?
and even real couple start the game together,the feelings to each other will change...the gamming world boys are so sweet,can buy you any items you wan~the gamming girl character is so hot,can wear sexy cloth,stick with you whole days~sweet talks will harm this real true love, the boy get "zap" by the gamming girl charaters,girl get "melt" by gamming boy characters...so the pairs break into a fake love in game world...started to call each other "dear" or "darling"...
to every maplers and Ro players, dun let the game blind you,love the 1 really loves you, the game love can't greater than the real 1,but to hurt you more deep... even many ppls know that, but why they still wanna step into the trap...just like me in the past...
walk on the game streetz,every sitting face to face,boy calling girl "dear", girl calling boy "darling"...dun think those are sweet,you'll nvr know what behine it...using people? using the relationship to get more rare items? fame? playing?
sometime when i training,one girl character come and ask me to be her "darling"...i wonder, how can you simply ask a stranger to be your life partner? withouth any knows of him/her... is not that i don't belive in loves,or love in the 1st sight...but,this is too fake,inside a gamming world,how can you know the other side is really a good guy or bad guy? or maybe a girl character is played by a boy? to cheat u? to take your things?
and even real couple start the game together,the feelings to each other will change...the gamming world boys are so sweet,can buy you any items you wan~the gamming girl character is so hot,can wear sexy cloth,stick with you whole days~sweet talks will harm this real true love, the boy get "zap" by the gamming girl charaters,girl get "melt" by gamming boy characters...so the pairs break into a fake love in game world...started to call each other "dear" or "darling"...
to every maplers and Ro players, dun let the game blind you,love the 1 really loves you, the game love can't greater than the real 1,but to hurt you more deep... even many ppls know that, but why they still wanna step into the trap...just like me in the past...
quick synchro~
this is a deck of fast synchro,not all just abt quick synchro~xD
let's see the deck~
monster x18
drill synchro x3
maraunding captain x3
quick synchro x2
level stealler x2
bolt hedgehog x2
cyber dragon x1
light lord paladin jean x2
sword master x2
twin breaker x1
magic x9
instant fusion x2
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
reinforce of the army x1
pot of avarice x1
warrior returning alive x2
card destruction x1
trap x13
tornatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1
raigeki break x2
krama cut x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
bottomless trap hole x2
just get a drill worrior in the pack,so decide to build this deck,it's look quite smooth~haven't try it out yet~will post another if nid to modify it~=)
let's see the deck~
monster x18
drill synchro x3
maraunding captain x3
quick synchro x2
level stealler x2
bolt hedgehog x2
cyber dragon x1
light lord paladin jean x2
sword master x2
twin breaker x1
magic x9
instant fusion x2
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
reinforce of the army x1
pot of avarice x1
warrior returning alive x2
card destruction x1
trap x13
tornatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1
raigeki break x2
krama cut x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
bottomless trap hole x2
just get a drill worrior in the pack,so decide to build this deck,it's look quite smooth~haven't try it out yet~will post another if nid to modify it~=)
Monday, November 23, 2009
dark nightmares of zero
this week's yugioh 5d's is team statificion's leader kiryuu's reappear~and after i watch a duel in youtube,it really gives me an idea of the infernity~what's the combo's name?? hundrest combo?? or what else?
monster x11
infernity necromancer x3
infernity daemon x3
infernity destroyer x2
light lord hunter ryokou x2
zombie carrier x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
shrink x3
foolish burial x2
offering to the doomed x3
card destruction x1
trap x18
raigeki break x2
krama cut x2
transmigtion prophecy x1
infernity force x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
tonatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
call of haunted x1
mind crush x2
solem judgement x1
dark bribe x2
i didn't say is all out from my idea,i admit it i copy some from the vids~if you wanna play this deck,you will go into a very serious problem,if your field is all whipe out,you got no hand cards, once you can't draw what u wan,then you're dead~=)
monster x11
infernity necromancer x3
infernity daemon x3
infernity destroyer x2
light lord hunter ryokou x2
zombie carrier x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
shrink x3
foolish burial x2
offering to the doomed x3
card destruction x1
trap x18
raigeki break x2
krama cut x2
transmigtion prophecy x1
infernity force x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
tonatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
call of haunted x1
mind crush x2
solem judgement x1
dark bribe x2
i didn't say is all out from my idea,i admit it i copy some from the vids~if you wanna play this deck,you will go into a very serious problem,if your field is all whipe out,you got no hand cards, once you can't draw what u wan,then you're dead~=)
modify of my snakes
got a very bad headache today...=.= after bak from work,i starting to try out my venom deck~
but too bad...i found out the monsters are too small,weak...=.=" so i rather modify it into a reptiless+venom~i work more smooth than pure venoms~even though the reptiless can't stay long in the swamp,but they can really hlp me in the game~by reduce opponent's atk to 0,i can use my venomino or venominaga to give damage to them~
monster x16
venominaga,the deity of the poison snake x1
evil dragon anata x1
critter x1
card trooper x1
venomino,king of the poison snake x2
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless medussa x2
reptiless gorgon x3
alien soldier x3
magic x11
heavy storm x1
terrorforming x1
cyclone x1
dark burst x2
snake rain x3
venom swamp x3
trap x13
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
damage=reptile x2
snake whistle x2a
limit reverse x2
rise of the snake deity x2
offer to the snake deity x3
this deck is more smoother than i though~i decided to add it to 45 in the main deck,but i think this will do~venom swamp hlp me to reduce opponent's monster's attack power,3 offer to the snake deity is just as same to the BF's icarus attack~well,looking forward to the real duel to other duelist with this deck~
comment and suggestion need~^^
but too bad...i found out the monsters are too small,weak...=.=" so i rather modify it into a reptiless+venom~i work more smooth than pure venoms~even though the reptiless can't stay long in the swamp,but they can really hlp me in the game~by reduce opponent's atk to 0,i can use my venomino or venominaga to give damage to them~
monster x16
venominaga,the deity of the poison snake x1
evil dragon anata x1
critter x1
card trooper x1
venomino,king of the poison snake x2
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless medussa x2
reptiless gorgon x3
alien soldier x3
magic x11
heavy storm x1
terrorforming x1
cyclone x1
dark burst x2
snake rain x3
venom swamp x3
trap x13
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
damage=reptile x2
snake whistle x2a
limit reverse x2
rise of the snake deity x2
offer to the snake deity x3
this deck is more smoother than i though~i decided to add it to 45 in the main deck,but i think this will do~venom swamp hlp me to reduce opponent's monster's attack power,3 offer to the snake deity is just as same to the BF's icarus attack~well,looking forward to the real duel to other duelist with this deck~
comment and suggestion need~^^
Saturday, November 21, 2009
howl of the sun and moon
this deck really requires priest of sun...=.=but i can't find 1...=.= so i can't hlp on it,but to make to other style~let's see
monster x20
apocatequil x3
red ant azcatl x3
supay x3
critter x1
cyber dragon x1
spirit reaper x1
gilasaurus x3
stone statue of lamenting god x3
card trooper x1
BF-gale of hurricane x1
magic x10
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
DDR x2
pot of avarice x1
card destruction x1
soul release x2
instant fusion x2
trap x10
destruction potion x3
plot of the piano tuner x2
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
change destiny x2
well,this is a noob style of playing inti and quila deck...but i can't hlp,priest of the sun is so hard to get,even i buy 3 boxes also get 2 only...=.= next ime i gonna post it with priest of sun style~
monster x20
apocatequil x3
red ant azcatl x3
supay x3
critter x1
cyber dragon x1
spirit reaper x1
gilasaurus x3
stone statue of lamenting god x3
card trooper x1
BF-gale of hurricane x1
magic x10
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
DDR x2
pot of avarice x1
card destruction x1
soul release x2
instant fusion x2
trap x10
destruction potion x3
plot of the piano tuner x2
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
change destiny x2
well,this is a noob style of playing inti and quila deck...but i can't hlp,priest of the sun is so hard to get,even i buy 3 boxes also get 2 only...=.= next ime i gonna post it with priest of sun style~
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
dun regret after u lost it...
there's a family somewhere in a country,the father of this family work as a washing machine repairer,he owns a work shop,and his 17 years old son work for him as part time~
one day,the son come and said to his father...
son: dad,i wanna change the place i work,i don't want to stand beside that uncle,because he smokes all the time...i don't like the smell and it's not good to my health...
after the father listen to what his son told him,he immedietly go angry and scold the son.
father: don't think you're a prince or what! you're just my son, the thing i can do you must also can do! he work for me ten over years,i breath in those smokes ten over years,did i seems like unhealthy? some smokes still can live longer than live longer than non smokers,they didn't seems even abit unhealthy also! don't think you're pure than others,just abit of smokers' smoke won't make you died! understand?!
son: but dad,the smell make me feel sick...
father: you're just giving me an excuse! the whole world got thousands of people smoking,how are you gonna avoid?!
son: then just let me wear a flu mask please?
father: no! i don't have any extra money for you to buy a flu mask,even flu mask won't help if it's so poisonous! now go to bed!
son: please...? i'll use my own money to buy one?
father: NO! if you dare to buy a flu mask,i'll tear them to bits! you're not showing any respect to my worker if you wear a flu mask infront of them!
son: please?
father: NO! and i mean NO! if i see one,i'll kick you out of this house and let you be and orphan!
the son go to his room in disapointed face...and the mother starts to tell the father to accept what the son says,but the father still saying no...the other day,the son still go to work,not changing the place or wearing a flu mask,because he don't wan to make his father angry...
one year been past...the son cough every night in the sleep,the mother starts to worry and ask the father to bring thier son to the hospital to check,but the father refuse, saying he just pretending so he could get his request.
one day in the morning,the mother wonder why the breakfast still isn't ready on the table,because the son used to prepare all the things for them before they back from the morning excercise~she though he sleep late today,she start calling the son down,but there's no respond...
the mother starts to worry about her son,so she went upstairs and take a look...
when she open the son's room door,she saw the son lying on the floor and some blood on his white pajymas...she schocked...and shaking her son hoping he will wake up,and calling her husband...
the ambulans reached,the perents went on the ambulans with thier son...
after the check,the son is prove that is dead cause of lung cancel...the mother crying loudly in the hospital,the father totally astonished...
after the 2 brothers came bak from the school,they get told that thier eldest brother has dead...
after the son's dead,the father fired the smoking worker and not allowing any smoking attitude in the house or work shop...he blammed himself everyday,why won't take the request of his son...his wife blammed him,why don't take thier son's request,either changing place or wearing a flu mask,she lost a son because of his stubborn decision...the 2 brothers blame thier father,why don't change thier brother's working place,still alot of spaces can work,why have to be work beside that worker, they've lost thier loving big brother,and blaiming the worker...
the family lost a caring son forever...XXX R.I.P 26th march 1991~12th august 2009
well,this is just what i copy from an article~i cry after i read it,is a real story...even the picture of the son paste on the newspaper...i feel that,the son's request is not over,still alot of spaces,why can't he move to the other side? because of the worker know more so can teach him? why can't wear a flu mask?is it really because of not respecting the worker? or is just you feel that is not? many places fill with many smokers,but that's what we can avoid...why don't just do so? if the request is not too over,maybe can thinking of approving it,don't just you wan your name stay still on the society,and harming others
pricious things should be protected,once they're gone,they'll be gone forever...
smoking isn't good,maybe you feel no harm,but you are actually harming the people around you,the people you love,pls stop smoking...=(
one day,the son come and said to his father...
son: dad,i wanna change the place i work,i don't want to stand beside that uncle,because he smokes all the time...i don't like the smell and it's not good to my health...
after the father listen to what his son told him,he immedietly go angry and scold the son.
father: don't think you're a prince or what! you're just my son, the thing i can do you must also can do! he work for me ten over years,i breath in those smokes ten over years,did i seems like unhealthy? some smokes still can live longer than live longer than non smokers,they didn't seems even abit unhealthy also! don't think you're pure than others,just abit of smokers' smoke won't make you died! understand?!
son: but dad,the smell make me feel sick...
father: you're just giving me an excuse! the whole world got thousands of people smoking,how are you gonna avoid?!
son: then just let me wear a flu mask please?
father: no! i don't have any extra money for you to buy a flu mask,even flu mask won't help if it's so poisonous! now go to bed!
son: please...? i'll use my own money to buy one?
father: NO! if you dare to buy a flu mask,i'll tear them to bits! you're not showing any respect to my worker if you wear a flu mask infront of them!
son: please?
father: NO! and i mean NO! if i see one,i'll kick you out of this house and let you be and orphan!
the son go to his room in disapointed face...and the mother starts to tell the father to accept what the son says,but the father still saying no...the other day,the son still go to work,not changing the place or wearing a flu mask,because he don't wan to make his father angry...
one year been past...the son cough every night in the sleep,the mother starts to worry and ask the father to bring thier son to the hospital to check,but the father refuse, saying he just pretending so he could get his request.
one day in the morning,the mother wonder why the breakfast still isn't ready on the table,because the son used to prepare all the things for them before they back from the morning excercise~she though he sleep late today,she start calling the son down,but there's no respond...
the mother starts to worry about her son,so she went upstairs and take a look...
when she open the son's room door,she saw the son lying on the floor and some blood on his white pajymas...she schocked...and shaking her son hoping he will wake up,and calling her husband...
the ambulans reached,the perents went on the ambulans with thier son...
after the check,the son is prove that is dead cause of lung cancel...the mother crying loudly in the hospital,the father totally astonished...
after the 2 brothers came bak from the school,they get told that thier eldest brother has dead...
after the son's dead,the father fired the smoking worker and not allowing any smoking attitude in the house or work shop...he blammed himself everyday,why won't take the request of his son...his wife blammed him,why don't take thier son's request,either changing place or wearing a flu mask,she lost a son because of his stubborn decision...the 2 brothers blame thier father,why don't change thier brother's working place,still alot of spaces can work,why have to be work beside that worker, they've lost thier loving big brother,and blaiming the worker...
the family lost a caring son forever...XXX R.I.P 26th march 1991~12th august 2009
well,this is just what i copy from an article~i cry after i read it,is a real story...even the picture of the son paste on the newspaper...i feel that,the son's request is not over,still alot of spaces,why can't he move to the other side? because of the worker know more so can teach him? why can't wear a flu mask?is it really because of not respecting the worker? or is just you feel that is not? many places fill with many smokers,but that's what we can avoid...why don't just do so? if the request is not too over,maybe can thinking of approving it,don't just you wan your name stay still on the society,and harming others
pricious things should be protected,once they're gone,they'll be gone forever...
smoking isn't good,maybe you feel no harm,but you are actually harming the people around you,the people you love,pls stop smoking...=(
Monday, November 16, 2009
Marufuji Ryo's deck(hell kaiser)~Cyber Style Revive!
after being restricted to one left,this whole deck go spoiled...but i still keep it~thanks to the release of absolute power force,i can rebuild it~the deck i'm talking abt is~~CYBER DRAGONS!
this deck is kinda hard to play already,since the time it get restricted to one,even now cyber dragon zwei release..=.=(coz the effect just can use on field or in grave,have to show ur opponent a magic card...=.=) just afraid of next years band list,if this list restrict honest to 1,then whole deck go up to the car...(in hokkean we say as "ki cia",means die)
monster x19
cyber dragon x1
cyber proto dragon x3
cyber dragon zwei x3
cyber eltanin x1
cyber pheonix x3
cyber laser dragon x1
shining angel x3
honest x3
card trooper x1
magic x12
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
super fusion x2
future fusion x1
power bond x1
lightning voltex x1
overload fusion x1
photon generator unit x2
limit removal x1
card destruction x1
trap x9
plot of the piano tuner x3
destruction potion x3
beckoning light x3

well,the main point of this deck is call up proto dragons or zwei,then super fusion~they can only be cyber on field,and super fusion can only fuses monster on field,so why not? this deck have no synchro~plot of the piano tuner is to snatch from other's~then destruction potion can hlp alot in the deck also,i got thinking of putting synchro control,but i think plaot of piano tuner is much better~no turn limit,synchro contol just 1 turn,till the end nid to give bak~and this is not target,even mental sphere i can snatch over also~haha,and i can use the synchro with destruction potion also~=P
comment needed,maybe give some suggestion?
this deck is kinda hard to play already,since the time it get restricted to one,even now cyber dragon zwei release..=.=(coz the effect just can use on field or in grave,have to show ur opponent a magic card...=.=) just afraid of next years band list,if this list restrict honest to 1,then whole deck go up to the car...(in hokkean we say as "ki cia",means die)
monster x19
cyber dragon x1
cyber proto dragon x3
cyber dragon zwei x3
cyber eltanin x1
cyber pheonix x3
cyber laser dragon x1
shining angel x3
honest x3
card trooper x1
magic x12
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
super fusion x2
future fusion x1
power bond x1
lightning voltex x1
overload fusion x1
photon generator unit x2
limit removal x1
card destruction x1
trap x9
plot of the piano tuner x3
destruction potion x3
beckoning light x3

comment needed,maybe give some suggestion?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Double Magnum Impact
this deck is the deck i modify from my 1st gemini deck~the 1st gemini deck i have is call SA(silent assassination),i realize some of the cards that seems powerfull but they're weak in real duel~so i didn't some modify on it,this deck is almost great to me~
let's see
monster x13
BF-gale of hurricane x1
clevonce x2
blazewing butterfly x2
tune magician x2
dark valkyria x3
hell kaiser dragon x3
magic x21
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
future fusion x1
restraint release wave x1
foolish burial x2
arms hole x2
hand destruction x2
swing of memorie x2
burden of mighty x3
supervis x3
gemini sparkx3
trap x6
call of haunted x1
bottomless trap hole x2
birthright x3
this deck is all focus on full power~kick out the useless support cards,add in more destroy cards~
restraint release wave can be help with the deck~
-dark valkyria on field,hell kaiser dragon in grave(any gemini monster will do)
-dark valkyria eq with supervis,got a counter,used it to kick 1 monster's ass
-then restraint release wave,release supervis to kick all opponent's magic/trap zone card out
-supervis effect,sp summon out hell kaiser dragon from grave
-resummon hell kaiser dragon,so it can attack twice
i know is always easier to say than do,but if u don't even have an idea to do,you won't build a deck though~=)
let's see
monster x13
BF-gale of hurricane x1
clevonce x2
blazewing butterfly x2
tune magician x2
dark valkyria x3
hell kaiser dragon x3
magic x21
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
future fusion x1
restraint release wave x1
foolish burial x2
arms hole x2
hand destruction x2
swing of memorie x2
burden of mighty x3
supervis x3
gemini sparkx3
trap x6
call of haunted x1
bottomless trap hole x2
birthright x3
this deck is all focus on full power~kick out the useless support cards,add in more destroy cards~
restraint release wave can be help with the deck~
-dark valkyria on field,hell kaiser dragon in grave(any gemini monster will do)
-dark valkyria eq with supervis,got a counter,used it to kick 1 monster's ass
-then restraint release wave,release supervis to kick all opponent's magic/trap zone card out
-supervis effect,sp summon out hell kaiser dragon from grave
-resummon hell kaiser dragon,so it can attack twice
i know is always easier to say than do,but if u don't even have an idea to do,you won't build a deck though~=)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
some card that can put in my reptiless deck
after think again,a card that can powerup this deck is THE TYRANT NEPTUNE~
by releasing 2 monster to get the atk points~and can 1 of the release monster's effect~
is not a big change actually~just kick out 2 cards to play in 2 THE TYRANT NEPTUNE~
monster x23
reptiless gorgon x3
reptiless medusa x3
reptiless viper x3
reptiless scylla x3
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless vasuki x2
evil dragon anata x1
dark arm dragon x1
dark creator x3
magic x10
trade in x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
snake rain x2
DDR x2
reptiless spawn x2
trap x7
holy barrier-mirror force x1
compulsory excauvation device x3
call of haunted x1
offer to snake deity x2
well~as you can see,just kick out 1 evil dragon anata and 1 tornatial tribute to add in THE TYRANT NEPTUNE~i can say,this deck is speed summon when u have everything in ur grave~
the most basic play style for my original reptiless deck is like this
-use snake rain,dumb a reptiless monster or any dark monster to grave~then sent 1 retiless medusa and 3 reptiless viper to the grave~(just pick any reptiless in the diffrent situation,but reptiless medusa is needed for sure)
by releasing 2 monster to get the atk points~and can 1 of the release monster's effect~
is not a big change actually~just kick out 2 cards to play in 2 THE TYRANT NEPTUNE~
monster x23
reptiless gorgon x3
reptiless medusa x3
reptiless viper x3
reptiless scylla x3
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless vasuki x2
evil dragon anata x1
dark arm dragon x1
dark creator x3
magic x10
trade in x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
snake rain x2
DDR x2
reptiless spawn x2
trap x7
holy barrier-mirror force x1
compulsory excauvation device x3
call of haunted x1
offer to snake deity x2

the most basic play style for my original reptiless deck is like this
-use snake rain,dumb a reptiless monster or any dark monster to grave~then sent 1 retiless medusa and 3 reptiless viper to the grave~(just pick any reptiless in the diffrent situation,but reptiless medusa is needed for sure)
-monster zone were empty,sp summon a drk creator,use the effect of it,out game the reptiless dumb just now and revive reptiless medusa,use medusa's effect to reduce opponent's monster atk to 0~
is mainly focus on something like that~
but after add in THE TYRANT NEPTUNE,this deck play style add in 1 more line~
-use snake rain to dumb dark reptiless monster into grave~
-sp summon dark creator,use effect to call out medusa~medusa's effect go 1st~
-then tribute 2 of the monster u got,and get the attack of them~2300+2200=4500 atk points~
-depends on the duel situations~either choose medusa's effect or dark creator's effect~(but for myself i'll choose dark creator more than medusa)
if got reptiless vasuki in hand is much more better~
i know many ppl will say this is only what i think~but i dun care,i just post all my idea in here, i appriciate to all the ppl that kindly give suggestion~but not the ppl that pour cold water on me~
is mainly focus on something like that~
but after add in THE TYRANT NEPTUNE,this deck play style add in 1 more line~
-use snake rain to dumb dark reptiless monster into grave~
-sp summon dark creator,use effect to call out medusa~medusa's effect go 1st~
-then tribute 2 of the monster u got,and get the attack of them~2300+2200=4500 atk points~
-depends on the duel situations~either choose medusa's effect or dark creator's effect~(but for myself i'll choose dark creator more than medusa)
if got reptiless vasuki in hand is much more better~
i know many ppl will say this is only what i think~but i dun care,i just post all my idea in here, i appriciate to all the ppl that kindly give suggestion~but not the ppl that pour cold water on me~
so happy after seeing some1's blogg
so happy today,i finally see some1 i hate drop to the nightmare hell!
i still remamber,how i met him n made friend with him~
and,how he become my enemy~
how he push me into the deep darkness,now he felt into the same place as me!
i won't let him stay in the dispare so easy~in this world,i'm gonna make him suffer! more than he gave me! i won't forget what he did to me,after been so many years,he still that kind of ppl!
now he get what he gave others! well done xue ni! i have to thank u for doing this to him,even u dun know who i m,hahaha!!
maybe u'll say i'm so childish,but if u know him,u'll be react like me also!
what's friends all abt?! what's the propose of being friends?! to buy them?! to hurt them?!
all the host of this guy,i can tell u all! i told u all be4,after get dumb by him,u all are in the same world! i won't pity u all,because u all wan to try!even how much i tell u don't!
a playboy also will fall into the dark,that's what i expect!
i'll make u suffer more than i do!K C Wai!hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
i still remamber,how i met him n made friend with him~
and,how he become my enemy~
how he push me into the deep darkness,now he felt into the same place as me!
i won't let him stay in the dispare so easy~in this world,i'm gonna make him suffer! more than he gave me! i won't forget what he did to me,after been so many years,he still that kind of ppl!
now he get what he gave others! well done xue ni! i have to thank u for doing this to him,even u dun know who i m,hahaha!!
maybe u'll say i'm so childish,but if u know him,u'll be react like me also!
what's friends all abt?! what's the propose of being friends?! to buy them?! to hurt them?!
all the host of this guy,i can tell u all! i told u all be4,after get dumb by him,u all are in the same world! i won't pity u all,because u all wan to try!even how much i tell u don't!
a playboy also will fall into the dark,that's what i expect!
i'll make u suffer more than i do!K C Wai!hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
that's me!!!
after seeing some1's blogg,i really very dissapointed....
the yugioh fun is gone in awhile...every1 just thinking of winnig...
so there comes alot of meta decks...LL,LL zombies,rescue cat synchorn,BF,light beats,dark beats etc....
every1 just thinking of sure win deck...so when i go to tournement,i just can see less deck types...
LL in the tournement for sure,next is BF,if not then rescue cats...that's really boring...
the main propose i creat alot of deck ideas is to full fill my own heart, another reason is because the decks i play with are all so boring,every1 the same...when go to pragin mall, just some decks appreas only...LL,light beats,BF,cat synchorns...=.="
alot of them,after winning just back stabb the losers, no advice,no suggestion no ntg...
when i see some other playing deformer,aliens or plants,i'm really happy~atlease they won't like pressing u to ground and hit u~the reason i play yubel again is because now honest owning, the only way to beat honest is to make them useless in the hand or straigh sent them to grave~
maybe some of the reader will think:"your talking is just wan to let ur self win" or something else,but this is my blogg,this is where i can release all my feelings~i can't stop u what u wan to write in ur blogg,or what u think,but i dun care! maybe all my creations are lame,think what as you like,if you dun feel comfortable to be friend with me then just leave,who cares? this is how i live,this is how i carry on my life,i'll use my way to creat my own style~i dun nid the ppl that always laugh at me,or bak stabbing me! leave and nvr come bak if you feel i'm lame~who needs you?
creative is always better than copy cat!
the yugioh fun is gone in awhile...every1 just thinking of winnig...
so there comes alot of meta decks...LL,LL zombies,rescue cat synchorn,BF,light beats,dark beats etc....
every1 just thinking of sure win deck...so when i go to tournement,i just can see less deck types...
LL in the tournement for sure,next is BF,if not then rescue cats...that's really boring...
the main propose i creat alot of deck ideas is to full fill my own heart, another reason is because the decks i play with are all so boring,every1 the same...when go to pragin mall, just some decks appreas only...LL,light beats,BF,cat synchorns...=.="
alot of them,after winning just back stabb the losers, no advice,no suggestion no ntg...
when i see some other playing deformer,aliens or plants,i'm really happy~atlease they won't like pressing u to ground and hit u~the reason i play yubel again is because now honest owning, the only way to beat honest is to make them useless in the hand or straigh sent them to grave~
maybe some of the reader will think:"your talking is just wan to let ur self win" or something else,but this is my blogg,this is where i can release all my feelings~i can't stop u what u wan to write in ur blogg,or what u think,but i dun care! maybe all my creations are lame,think what as you like,if you dun feel comfortable to be friend with me then just leave,who cares? this is how i live,this is how i carry on my life,i'll use my way to creat my own style~i dun nid the ppl that always laugh at me,or bak stabbing me! leave and nvr come bak if you feel i'm lame~who needs you?
creative is always better than copy cat!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
restricted zone,swap of the venoms

some1 play it with hybird~like i said,i dunno how it works~
i just play it with full focusing on the archtype~
the deity of reptile~
monster x19
venominaga,deity of poison snakes x1
venomino,the king of poison snakes x3
venom serpent x3
venom snake x3
venom boa x2
chain snake x3
evil dragon anata x1
alien soldier x3
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
venom swamp x3
snake rain x3
soridarity x3
trap x15
raigeki break x2
snake whistle x2
damage=reptile x2
ambush fang x2
rise of snake deity x3
offering to snake deity x2
limit reverse x2

whole deck is focusing on venom~this deck can still be improve~
the alien soldier is just for beatstick~someone suggest me to put EBG aslla piscu,
but i think is not needed in this deck well~
ambush fang x2
rise of snake deity x3
offering to snake deity x2
limit reverse x2

the alien soldier is just for beatstick~someone suggest me to put EBG aslla piscu,
but i think is not needed in this deck well~
1st deck of new blogg~
continue to last time~i did say abt creating a medusa deck rite?
well,now Absolute Powerforce have been release,i got all the cards that i nid in hand~
reptiless~a deck that focusing on making ppl's attack point down to 0~
this series is 1st release in stardust overdrive~and continue in absolute powerforce~
reptiless is use by misty lola(also know as misty tredwell)~
monster x22
reptiless gorgon x3
reptiless medusa x3
reptiless viper x3
reptiless scylla x3
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless vasuki x2
evil dragon anata x2
dark arm dragon x1
dark creator x3
magic x10
trade in x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
snake rain x2
DDR x2
reptiless spawn x2
trap x8
tornatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
compulsory excauvation device x3
call of haunted x1
offer to the snake deity x2

nearly i kinda like to use reptile type decks~aliens,repiless,venoms~
i realize that most of reptiless deck play type is almost the same~o.O
keep decreasing opponent's attack,like this~
alien=A counter
some of the aliens have the ability to decrese ur opponent's attack points for each counter tack on it~
venom=venom counter
with venom swamp,this deck is totally a destructive deck~but mostly this deck is hyird with other reptile~like hybird with aliens(i dunno how it works...) or reptiless~
reptiless=reduce attack to 0
this deck's main monster is reptiless medusa~by discarding 1 hand card,you an reduce 1 of ur opponent's monster attack to 0~once there's atk 0 monster on field,u'll have everything done for the whole deck~
-reptiless viper=brain wash ur opponent's attack 0 monster to synchorn
-reotiless vasuki=by releasing 2 attack 0 monster from either field,u can sp sumon it from hand
well,now Absolute Powerforce have been release,i got all the cards that i nid in hand~
reptiless~a deck that focusing on making ppl's attack point down to 0~
this series is 1st release in stardust overdrive~and continue in absolute powerforce~
reptiless is use by misty lola(also know as misty tredwell)~
monster x22
reptiless gorgon x3
reptiless medusa x3
reptiless viper x3
reptiless scylla x3
reptiless gardna x2
reptiless vasuki x2
evil dragon anata x2
dark arm dragon x1
dark creator x3
magic x10
trade in x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
snake rain x2
DDR x2
reptiless spawn x2
trap x8
tornatial tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
compulsory excauvation device x3
call of haunted x1
offer to the snake deity x2

i realize that most of reptiless deck play type is almost the same~o.O
keep decreasing opponent's attack,like this~
alien=A counter
some of the aliens have the ability to decrese ur opponent's attack points for each counter tack on it~
venom=venom counter
with venom swamp,this deck is totally a destructive deck~but mostly this deck is hyird with other reptile~like hybird with aliens(i dunno how it works...) or reptiless~
reptiless=reduce attack to 0
this deck's main monster is reptiless medusa~by discarding 1 hand card,you an reduce 1 of ur opponent's monster attack to 0~once there's atk 0 monster on field,u'll have everything done for the whole deck~
-reptiless viper=brain wash ur opponent's attack 0 monster to synchorn
-reotiless vasuki=by releasing 2 attack 0 monster from either field,u can sp sumon it from hand
my blogg reborn
well~my blogg has reborn~this time won't be just decks,i'll post some of my days and other thing too~
just now i went to see my mei's blogg,she just lost a good friend...i wish i can by her side now to comfort her...=(
long time didn't contact her d...kinda miss her...no...NO! NOT KINDA! IS VERY!! I MISS HER VERY MUCH!!...
to be ur comfort...to make u happy bak...sobbs....
just now i went to see my mei's blogg,she just lost a good friend...i wish i can by her side now to comfort her...=(
long time didn't contact her d...kinda miss her...no...NO! NOT KINDA! IS VERY!! I MISS HER VERY MUCH!!...
to be ur comfort...to make u happy bak...sobbs....
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