i played drago b4,a deck combine with arms dragon lvl~with no specil summoning light and dark, even gorz can't come out if you direct attack, not even battle fadder~ arms dragons are wind~so they can be lvled~
but the deck i choose today is-koa'ki meiru bergzak~~the most commen koa'ki meiru to play with~ a 4 stars monster with 2000 atk point,it has really insane effect too~
not too much on talk~let's see the deck~
monster x19
koa'ki meiru bergzak x3
light lord warrior garoth x3
light lord paladin jean x3
dark scorpion-meanae the thorn x3
the immortal bushi x2
necro guardna x2
D.D lady warrior x2
holy knight ishzark x1
magic x16
warrior returning alive x3
unity of family x3
shrink x3
solar recharge x2
light lord warrior garoth x3
light lord paladin jean x3
dark scorpion-meanae the thorn x3
the immortal bushi x2
necro guardna x2
D.D lady warrior x2
holy knight ishzark x1
magic x16
warrior returning alive x3
unity of family x3
shrink x3
solar recharge x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
lightning voltex x1
pot of avarice x1
reinforce of army x1
trap x5
royal decree x3
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
heavy storm x1
lightning voltex x1
pot of avarice x1
reinforce of army x1
trap x5
royal decree x3
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1

add on 3 jean and garoth really helps~add on draw powers with solar recharge and milling effect~well,i've tried this out abt few months ago d~just some1 call me to pull the deck out to play with others,so i decide to post in here 1st~=D
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