annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~=D well,this post is abt my battle spirit's deck,although is not crazy as YGO like,but still i like it alot~xD battle spirit is kinda same as YGO,a deck contain atlease 40 cards~=D and here's my deck
spirits x27
The DragonPhoenixDeity Baaral x2
The SevenShogun Asmodios x2
The HellKnight Andra x1
The DarknessEmperor Zanba x2
The HellBraver DeathCarabia x3
The ChopSword Shadowslicer x3
Bronzemaiden x3
The DarkSkulldemon x3
Sha-Zoo x3
Bi-Python x3
The HellAirMan Buney x3
magic x6
Mind Control x1
Bloody Coffin x2
Deadly Balance x3
nexus x7
The Historic Battlefield of the Curse x2
The Evil Coffin x3
The Red Sand Glass x2
hmm,to those BS player,i'm sure u can know what colour i'm playing rite? yea~~is purple~~let me explain~^^
ok,1st thing is purple's play style~
i dun main playing Curse effect system here,my deck purpose is core moving,move the cores to gain more benifit in the game play~and my ACE spirit in the deck is The SevenShogun Asmodios~~the effect is just so nice!! all BS player will admit it~when this card declare attack(means neither block by spirits or take dmg on life,the effect still activate),move 2 cores from opponent's 1 spirit to the space(means dissappear,in YGO we call as remove from play)~and max lvl it got 13k BP,and it only require 5 cores on it~xD let me introduce my cards~
Deck Draw Engine
.Bronzemaiden-when u summon this spirit,draw 1 card
.Bi-Python-when this card declare attack,draw 1 card
.The Historic Battlefield of the curse-when ur opponent put a spirit to tired,draw 1 card
Blocker(a.k.a Defender)
.The HellBraver DeathCarabia-if this spirit will be destroy,discard 1 card from top deck,if it's a purple spirit,this spirit return to field in refreshed~
.Sha-Zoo-if this spirit would be destroy,tired up 2 spirit on ur opponent's field
.The Evil Coffin-if the opponent's spirit's core are not added by nexus/spirit/magic effect,tired it that turn the core is added~
.The Red Sand Glass-both player's spirit with only 1 core can't declare and attack
.The DragonPhoenixDeity Baaral-Effect system Immortal~when this card is on field with lvl2/3,opponant's all spirit's lvl core require are added by 1~
.The ChopSword Shadowslicer-when this card declare an attack,return 1 spirit system with "hollow devil" in it from grave to hand
.The HellAirMan Buney-ntg specil,just big enough~
.The HellKnight Andra-when this spirit declare an attack,destroy 1 spirit with only 2 cores on it on ur opponent's field
.Deadly Balance-both player select 1 spirit on their field and destroy it~
.Bloody Coffin-destroy 1 of ur opponent's tired spirit with core require 4~
Core Remover(a.k.a Eraser)
.The SevenShogun Asmodios-when this card declare attack,move 2 core from 1 spirit of ur opponent to space
.The DarknessEmperor Zanba-when this card declare an attack,move the cores on ur opponent's spirit according to it's level
.The DarkSkulldemon-ur opponent's spirit must move 1 core to reserve if their BP are lower than 6000 when attacking
.Mind Control-both player move up to 4 cores from the spirits on field~
nice eh?? with asmodios on field,i nearly can take control of the game d~xD
and that's all for today,annyeonghikyeseyo
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
explosive beast vulcannon~~
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~=) think alot on this superb creature,but lastly still follow back some on the V-jump decklist~~can't be hlp,not very familliar with pyro monsters...TT(but if u ask me which dragon is good to use,i can tell u alot~xD) 1st question,how to make vulcannon get a bigger target to bomb?? 2nd question,how to bomb ur opponent in most pain way? u'll find out in my decklist here~=)
monster x19volcanic rocket x3
volcanic edge x3
volcanic queen x2
cyber dragon x2
red gadget x2
yellow gadget x2
green gadget x2
summon priest x1
scrap beast x2
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1polymerzation x2
power bond x2
fusion recovery x2
creature swap x2trap x10
call of haunted x1
sakuretsu armor x3
compulsory excauvation device x3
rainbow life x2
well,to the 1st question,i got no more other monster that came to mind d>< so thinking of putting some synchro into it~then to the 2nd question,volcanic rocket to me is just a beat stick here,and it can reshuffle my deck~that hlps alot~=) the playstyle of gadget=1 to 1~and add in some volcanics only~=D
and well to the question that's i ask abt~a free gift of volcanic queen to ur opponent~then fusion out vulcannon,then "bang!" end up with 4800 dmg~volcanic queen can get rid of alot of annoying monster that ur opponent got on field such as stardust that blocking vulcannon,and maybe something big monsters~~=) and then how to make a bigger bomb to vulcannon is all in power bond~vulcannon's effect didn't say "original attack add up" but attack add up equals~soooo,let's say volcanic queen is over there,power bond up vulcannon and u get a atk 4600 vulcannon~then "bang!",ur opponent get a full 7100 dmg~~(this dmg cuase ur opponent to become ashes) and i didn't say it can be done in 1st turn~means by maybe he got some dmg to life d~xD but if even he didn't have any dmg on life yet,he got left 900 life point~~and if ceasefire is there,prepare to say bye bye~xD hahas~~and cyber dragon is just into it to hlp make up into 8 machine 8 pyro~and sometimes can make it into cyber twin??xD i love it!!
it's Soshi time!!! xD still the same,no news yet...=S haiz haiz~~wish they can come to penang,i really wanna go for their concert~~TT my korean already kinda in hand d,wish i could done it soon also~xD TaeYeon unnie!!! saranghaeyooo!!!<3
Sunday, August 15, 2010
quickdraw synchro
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~^^arghh!! modify and modify,then modify again and again...until the end still go bak to the most porpular method...=.=" yea...quickdraw synchro with tunningware....finally find tio d,but kinda expensive lorh,rm85 for 3 arghh!! pocket bleeding...TT although i'm sure every1 how it'll be like already,but still share bah~
monster x23
junk synchro x3
quick synchro x3
bolt hedgehog x3
morphing jar x1
grow up buld x2
magic striker x3
tunning supporter x3
synchro explorer x2
level stealler x3
magic x13
hand destruction x2
tunning x2
foolish burial x1
pot of avarice x2
heavy storm x1
one for one x1
cyclone x1
inferno reckless summon x3
trap x4
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless traphole x2
well,it's kinda late can't post on soshi's pic>< sry sry~
ans that's all for now,annyeonghikyeseyo
monster x23
junk synchro x3
quick synchro x3
bolt hedgehog x3
morphing jar x1
grow up buld x2
magic striker x3
tunning supporter x3
synchro explorer x2
level stealler x3
magic x13
hand destruction x2
tunning x2
foolish burial x1
pot of avarice x2
heavy storm x1
one for one x1
cyclone x1
inferno reckless summon x3
trap x4
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless traphole x2
well,it's kinda late can't post on soshi's pic>< sry sry~
ans that's all for now,annyeonghikyeseyo
Thursday, August 12, 2010
battle spirits
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~=) today's post is not abt YGO~any1 know what's battle spirit is? yes? no? for those who dunno,i'll tell u here~=D battle spirit is a card game that's like YGO also,but it has add on with some extra phase~in YGO,we use LP(life point) as our live,and cards as only weapon,but in battle spirits,all the LP and card use require,we nid cores,the cores in space are unlimited,in every starting turn,u get to add 1 core from the space to ur reserve space,but the 1st player can't add any of it~in YGO,we got draw phase>standby phase>main phase 1>battle phase>main phase 2>end phase,in battle spirits(i'll use short form as BS),we got start phase>draw phase>refresh phase>core phase>attack phase>end phase~we all familliar with YGO's all phase rite? so i'll just explain battle spirit's phase only~=)
start phase-in this phase u get to add 1 core from space(as i said,1st player can't add any)
draw phase-this phase u draw a card from ur deck~(all starting with only 4 cards,but in late game there's no hand card limit)
refresh phase-in this phase,all the tired cards return to normal,and ready to atk again,and the cores u moved to trash is also return at this phase
core phase-in this phase u get to play some cards from ur hand to fields,or adding cores to the cards that's already in play
attack phase-this phase is we all known as battle phase~(but the attacking monsters will be tired after attacking)
end phase-yup,we dun have something like main phase 2 here~after finish attacking just end~
let's intro the battle then~in BS,we call the monsters as SPIRIT,so far the max lvl of 1 spirit will go to lvl3 max,by adding the require core to power up and use effect of the lvl~like,if lvl 1 nid 1 core,that spirit u have to put 1 core from u got to it,then lvl 2 is 3 core require,then u gotta put 3,just 2 core will remain in lvl1~and if a spirit is out of core(means the core on it get to moved by opponent or by urself) it'll be destroy and sent to trash zone,there's no limit for how many monster on field~next we got field magic,we call as NEXUS,there's also no limit for nexus on field,and the nexus' effect can only be used by the controller of the card,won't be affect by any other nexus is in play~then lastly we got MAGIC,this is a magic card that use to use the effect that's written on it,power up/draw cards/destroy cards etc etc~all the cards we got a thing call as CORE COST on the top left~that mean,u'll require how many core to use it,when the core is used,the core is also move to trash~and beside the cost,we got there CORE NEGATE,it mean by if u wanna play a spirit/nexus/magic,let's say it nid 3 core cost,but u got the same colour cards exist on field,and the core negate is 2,then u'll only used up 1 core~normally we call as 3-2(3 minus 2),the colour gotta same as the require on it~when attacking,ur opponent is direct aiming to ur life cores,the player that's recieving the attack can either choose to block the attack with his own spirits or to take dmg on life,the core that took from life is move to reserve zone~we only got 5 life here~and the blocking monster is also tired,the monster that's already tired cannot use to block,so play carefully
let's intro the deck type of BS,we divide into 6 coulours,that's white,red,blue,green,purple and yellow~ and we got alot of type in most of them,we called as SYSTEM of a spirit~
white-this colour is good in defensive,blocking power~
red-this colour are mostly with big battle points,and destructive power~
blue-this colour play on with just all out attack,and good in nexus
green-this colour play with swarm out quick and fill the field full with spirits and nexus
purple-this colour good in drawing powers,and core moving powers,but in exchanges,they're weak in battle points
yellow-this colour depend on magic cards much,and with less core costing~
we also got some cards that's with double colour~when attaking,1 core below the card mean by targeting 1 LP core,we got some are double hitter,mean by if i get to hit on the life,it hit down 2~
let's intro the specil power of the spirits~some of them got specil powers system list on them~each colour got 2 type of specil power,let's see~
Armour-this power system prevent the the targeting effect of the colour that's list on it~
FreezingWall-this power get to negate the magic activation of the colour list on it by just making the spirit tired~
Awaken-this power get to move the core on other spirit's the controller control to the certain spirits while attacking(YGO Honest effect)
DashBash-this power force ur opponent to block the attacking monster if there's any that can used as blocking~
Crush-this effect is use to mill opponent's deck while attacking,either block or take life,doesn't matter the effect~
Berserk-this effect can use to refresh the certain spirit by just tireding 1 nexus the controller control in the attack phase~see the number on it,if there's 2/3,this effect can be use as many times as it's number list
Speedy-this ability make the certain spirit can summoning from hand in the battle phase~(core cost still apply)
Storm-this effect spirit's get block by opponent,opponent must tired another spirit beside that too,by according to the number list on it,tired the same number as it~
Curse-this effect make the spirit that's attacking gain a cursing effect,if the spirit get block by opponent,destroy the blocking spirit at the end of battle~
Immortal-this effect can revive the spirit from trash zone if the sprits on field is destroyed,it also have number on it,if there's immortal 3,mean by if ur core cost 3 spirit is destroyed,u get to revive it~(core cost still apply)
LightCharge-if this spirit is not destroy in the battle,at the end phase of the turn,u get to return all the magic that u've use on it from trash to ur hand~
HolyLife-this effect make the certain spirit controller gain 1 additional life from space if this spirit get to hit down opponent's life~
so mostly is like that,for penang players,if intrested,u can go to pragin mall 4th floor,Nice Play shop to get more information,we also sell our cards and booster there~
and that's all for now,annyeonghikyeseyo~
start phase-in this phase u get to add 1 core from space(as i said,1st player can't add any)
draw phase-this phase u draw a card from ur deck~(all starting with only 4 cards,but in late game there's no hand card limit)
refresh phase-in this phase,all the tired cards return to normal,and ready to atk again,and the cores u moved to trash is also return at this phase
core phase-in this phase u get to play some cards from ur hand to fields,or adding cores to the cards that's already in play
attack phase-this phase is we all known as battle phase~(but the attacking monsters will be tired after attacking)
end phase-yup,we dun have something like main phase 2 here~after finish attacking just end~
let's intro the battle then~in BS,we call the monsters as SPIRIT,so far the max lvl of 1 spirit will go to lvl3 max,by adding the require core to power up and use effect of the lvl~like,if lvl 1 nid 1 core,that spirit u have to put 1 core from u got to it,then lvl 2 is 3 core require,then u gotta put 3,just 2 core will remain in lvl1~and if a spirit is out of core(means the core on it get to moved by opponent or by urself) it'll be destroy and sent to trash zone,there's no limit for how many monster on field~next we got field magic,we call as NEXUS,there's also no limit for nexus on field,and the nexus' effect can only be used by the controller of the card,won't be affect by any other nexus is in play~then lastly we got MAGIC,this is a magic card that use to use the effect that's written on it,power up/draw cards/destroy cards etc etc~all the cards we got a thing call as CORE COST on the top left~that mean,u'll require how many core to use it,when the core is used,the core is also move to trash~and beside the cost,we got there CORE NEGATE,it mean by if u wanna play a spirit/nexus/magic,let's say it nid 3 core cost,but u got the same colour cards exist on field,and the core negate is 2,then u'll only used up 1 core~normally we call as 3-2(3 minus 2),the colour gotta same as the require on it~when attacking,ur opponent is direct aiming to ur life cores,the player that's recieving the attack can either choose to block the attack with his own spirits or to take dmg on life,the core that took from life is move to reserve zone~we only got 5 life here~and the blocking monster is also tired,the monster that's already tired cannot use to block,so play carefully
let's intro the deck type of BS,we divide into 6 coulours,that's white,red,blue,green,purple and yellow~ and we got alot of type in most of them,we called as SYSTEM of a spirit~
white-this colour is good in defensive,blocking power~
red-this colour are mostly with big battle points,and destructive power~
blue-this colour play on with just all out attack,and good in nexus
green-this colour play with swarm out quick and fill the field full with spirits and nexus
purple-this colour good in drawing powers,and core moving powers,but in exchanges,they're weak in battle points
yellow-this colour depend on magic cards much,and with less core costing~
we also got some cards that's with double colour~when attaking,1 core below the card mean by targeting 1 LP core,we got some are double hitter,mean by if i get to hit on the life,it hit down 2~
let's intro the specil power of the spirits~some of them got specil powers system list on them~each colour got 2 type of specil power,let's see~
Armour-this power system prevent the the targeting effect of the colour that's list on it~
FreezingWall-this power get to negate the magic activation of the colour list on it by just making the spirit tired~
Awaken-this power get to move the core on other spirit's the controller control to the certain spirits while attacking(YGO Honest effect)
DashBash-this power force ur opponent to block the attacking monster if there's any that can used as blocking~
Crush-this effect is use to mill opponent's deck while attacking,either block or take life,doesn't matter the effect~
Berserk-this effect can use to refresh the certain spirit by just tireding 1 nexus the controller control in the attack phase~see the number on it,if there's 2/3,this effect can be use as many times as it's number list
Speedy-this ability make the certain spirit can summoning from hand in the battle phase~(core cost still apply)
Storm-this effect spirit's get block by opponent,opponent must tired another spirit beside that too,by according to the number list on it,tired the same number as it~
Curse-this effect make the spirit that's attacking gain a cursing effect,if the spirit get block by opponent,destroy the blocking spirit at the end of battle~
Immortal-this effect can revive the spirit from trash zone if the sprits on field is destroyed,it also have number on it,if there's immortal 3,mean by if ur core cost 3 spirit is destroyed,u get to revive it~(core cost still apply)
LightCharge-if this spirit is not destroy in the battle,at the end phase of the turn,u get to return all the magic that u've use on it from trash to ur hand~
HolyLife-this effect make the certain spirit controller gain 1 additional life from space if this spirit get to hit down opponent's life~
so mostly is like that,for penang players,if intrested,u can go to pragin mall 4th floor,Nice Play shop to get more information,we also sell our cards and booster there~
and that's all for now,annyeonghikyeseyo~
Sunday, August 8, 2010
earthbound airraid
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~to every duelist,here a notice~penang pragin mall 4th floor a hybird shop that selling japanese animation DVD and yugioh cards there,shop name "nice play"~weekly tourney at every sunday,entering fee is just rm10,entering gifts are 1 newest release booster pack and 1 mystirious gift(changed every week),any1 that intrested pls leave msg on the chatbox~

monster x19
summon reactor AI x2
trap reactor RR x2
magic reactor AID x2giant bomber AIRRAID x1
earthbound immortal CHACU CHALLHUA x3
earthbound immortal URU x1
D-hero dash guy x2
morphing jar x1
dark grapher x3
dark creator x2
dark creator x2
mausoleum of emperor x3
shrink x3
cyclone x1
book of moon x2
terrorforming x2cross soul x2
heavy storm x1
monster reincarnation x2trap x5
fake explosion x2
sakuretsu armour x2
call of haunted x1
well,just like i said,haven't tried it out yet,so dunno much abt it,but so far as i draw out cards,it's kinda good~
it's Soshi time~~this pic is on some drink comercial~~their smile are so charming~^^bright and shining~=D
Friday, August 6, 2010
counter fairies~(withouth van'dylgon)
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~today is not a very happy day actually...worrying abt my sister's problem agin and is in JB,and absolutely no contact to her brother(me) anymore after getting a bf...worrying her how's she's doing in JB...another is in pahang,every night slp late because of homeworks and assignments,and always not in good situation with her bf...really miss the both of them very much..and worry alot also...let's not talk abt it of the deck i've modify in the week with no comp,my counter fairies~because of need money badly,so i just sell off my van'dlygon and dark bribe my counter fairies just shrink to it's minimum counter powers,but can't hlp abt that,nid money for the mother board repairing....let's see the deck shall we?
monster x20
meltiel,sage of the sky x2
harvest angel of wisdom x3
bountiful arltemis x3
morphing jar x1
voltanis the adjudicator x1
BF-gale of hurricane x1
battle fadder x2
swift attacking scarecrow x2
rai-ou x3
honest x2
magic x3
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
pot of avarice x1
trap x17
divine warth x1
black horn of heaven x2
negate attack x2
solem judgement x1
seven tools of bandit x2
divine warning x2
drastic drop off x2
kick back x2
beckoning of light x1
call of haunted x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
arghh,no more dark bribe and van'dlygon,this is also a sad 1...TT
sry but this time won't have Soshi pictures,nor the card's kinda in rush and not in a nice mood...TT as i'm a councellor,i always do councellings...but now i really nid a councellor to heard me out...sobbs...
monster x20
meltiel,sage of the sky x2
harvest angel of wisdom x3
bountiful arltemis x3
morphing jar x1
voltanis the adjudicator x1
BF-gale of hurricane x1
battle fadder x2
swift attacking scarecrow x2
rai-ou x3
honest x2
magic x3
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
pot of avarice x1
trap x17
divine warth x1
black horn of heaven x2
negate attack x2
solem judgement x1
seven tools of bandit x2
divine warning x2
drastic drop off x2
kick back x2
beckoning of light x1
call of haunted x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
arghh,no more dark bribe and van'dlygon,this is also a sad 1...TT
sry but this time won't have Soshi pictures,nor the card's kinda in rush and not in a nice mood...TT as i'm a councellor,i always do councellings...but now i really nid a councellor to heard me out...sobbs...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
quick synchro+scar red+shooting star
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~^^yup yup,today's 2nd post~what do u all think i can do during this whle week withouth comp?? it's boring days...=.=" so modify most of my decks~this is my qucik synchro deck~alot of ppl asking why no tunning supporter,i'll tell them:"if u sponsor me 3 then i have already lorh~xD" yea,i just got 1 in my collection album....=.=" and guys,i dunno wether this happen to all quick synchro player or not larh,but 15 extra deck only really not enough....=.=" wish konami can atlease expand it to 20 or something?
magical warrior,breaker x3
quick synchro x3
turbo synchro x2
junk synchro x3
bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x3
mask of darkness x2
morphing jar x1
magic x10
tunning x3
foolish burial x1
heavy storm x1
one for one x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
hand destruction x2
synchro ejector x2
extra deck x15
junk warrior x1
junk archer x1
junk destroyer x1
nitro warrior x1
AOJ catastor x1
so what did u all think abt this?? this deck can call out both scar red and shooting star,turbo synchro+level stealler=formular synchro~junk synchro+turbo synchro+red demon's dragon=scar red nova dragon~xD
magical warrior,breaker x3
quick synchro x3
turbo synchro x2
junk synchro x3
bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x3
mask of darkness x2
morphing jar x1
apocatequil x2
magic x10
tunning x3
foolish burial x1
heavy storm x1
one for one x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
hand destruction x2
trap x8
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3synchro ejector x2
extra deck x15
junk warrior x1
junk archer x1
junk destroyer x1
drill warrior x1
road warrior x1
turbo warrior x1nitro warrior x1
AOJ catastor x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
red demon's dragon x1
stardust dragon x1
black rose dragon x1
formular synchro x1
shooting star dragon x1
scar red nova dragon x1

still finding for 3 tunning~be4 found,i'll use genex neutron instead 1st~
dragunity modify again~
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~recently few days,my comp gets a "RIDER KICK" by my brother...and spoiled...=.="fix from last thursday until now,lolx~~ wasted abt rm300++ for the mother board...(that's the money i saved up for inverz...T^T) so ended up ntg to do with...=.=" so remodify my main deck(dragunity)~can't be dragunity still not very smooth yet,so gotta modify again and again~~last time is "dragon canyon" always fly to my hand,but these few times the cards in my hand are all brown....=.=" money for dandylion,so put in level stealler instead~
monster x23
dragunity arms-laevatein x2
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-phalanx x2
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-legionaire x3
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-mithlum x2
dragunity-primus pilus x2
level stealler x2
BF-gale of hurricane x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
swords of revilling light x1
dragon canyon x3
terrorforming x2
pot of avarice x1
treasure of harmony x2
trap x6
trap stunned x2
royal decree x2
holy barrier-mirror force x1
call of haunted x1
now i saw what's the good in leavatein already,gotta be dare to do so,then only he's worthy to stand on the field~~xD ermm,5 dragon tunner supose to be abit less for treasure of harmony i think?? but can't be hlped...TT ntg much to put in already~and some1 ask me why i put in royal decree,i just can tell that i main royal decree in but not maining trap stunned for propose~trap stunned is just to support up royal decree~~well,hate bottomless and icarus attack...=.="
kim tae yeon
choi soo young
tiffany hwang
jessica jung
kim hyo yeon
sunny lee
seo joo-hyun
and that's all for now~annyeonghikyeseyo~
monster x23
dragunity arms-laevatein x2
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-phalanx x2
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-legionaire x3
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-mithlum x2
dragunity-primus pilus x2
level stealler x2
BF-gale of hurricane x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
swords of revilling light x1
dragon canyon x3
terrorforming x2
pot of avarice x1
treasure of harmony x2
trap x6
trap stunned x2
royal decree x2
holy barrier-mirror force x1
call of haunted x1
now i saw what's the good in leavatein already,gotta be dare to do so,then only he's worthy to stand on the field~~xD ermm,5 dragon tunner supose to be abit less for treasure of harmony i think?? but can't be hlped...TT ntg much to put in already~and some1 ask me why i put in royal decree,i just can tell that i main royal decree in but not maining trap stunned for propose~trap stunned is just to support up royal decree~~well,hate bottomless and icarus attack...=.="
it's Soshi time~~xD hmm,still no news abt them yet,hope they can come to m'sia(if come to penang is the best~xD xD) to have their concert,so that i can see them in live and get their autographs~xD u know what? if i really get,i'll surely frame it up and hang it in my room~hahas~
for those who not very familliar with our cute angels~
kwon yu-ri
im yoon akim tae yeon
choi soo young
tiffany hwang
jessica jung
kim hyo yeon
sunny lee
seo joo-hyun
and that's all for now~annyeonghikyeseyo~
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