magical warrior,breaker x3
quick synchro x3
turbo synchro x2
junk synchro x3
bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x3
mask of darkness x2
morphing jar x1
apocatequil x2
magic x10
tunning x3
foolish burial x1
heavy storm x1
one for one x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
hand destruction x2
trap x8
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3synchro ejector x2
extra deck x15
junk warrior x1
junk archer x1
junk destroyer x1
drill warrior x1
road warrior x1
turbo warrior x1nitro warrior x1
AOJ catastor x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
red demon's dragon x1
stardust dragon x1
black rose dragon x1
formular synchro x1
shooting star dragon x1
scar red nova dragon x1

still finding for 3 tunning~be4 found,i'll use genex neutron instead 1st~
Tolong ... if u counts it .... yusei have more then 15 fusion or syncro monster