Thursday, October 28, 2010
machine emperor wisel infinity
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~ hmm,got a problem here~machine emperor wisel infinity,the effect that negate once of opponent's magic can only actuvate in the controller's turn or can activate in both player's turn?? hope to get the answer soon>< urgent urgent><>< nid ur hlp pls~~
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Ancient sacred wyvern
annyeonghaseyoo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~hmm,it's kinda long after my previous post~~well,busy on improving my lavals recently~and hlp my friend give out an idea on his qucik draw deck(he wan it to be specil~hmm,combine with undead maybe??) and for lavals...OMFG konami...pls out more good supports and monster for lavals....TT laval is soooo lacking on useful monsters...TT and both of the magic/trap is not a great hlp for them though...and the Laval lancer is kinda shitty....TT
recently except for the decks improvement and deck idea thin king,my class also started already....=.="( economics and acc which i hate the most...=.=") sure fail again this time....=.=" arghh!! kena scam by the center larh!!! just to blame myself too stupid why go belive in them...=.=" they told me there's no acc and econs in their course...fck larh! 1st book pass down,i go and stare at the name of the book!! WOOTS!!! financial accounting!! WHAT THE ***!!!!!! =.=" feel like wan to fly and slap that ppl that told me no acc and econs on the face....!!! haiz...another suffering terms started...
feel boring go bak to my cards album and view it again~ suddenly saw a card that almost no1 use(atlease just 1 ppl use this card in NICEPLAY shop,he's a friend of mine~)~yeah,it's ancient sacred wyvern~~so i just feel like wanna make a deck around it~
hmm,this card is depend on it's controller's LP much to gain more atk point,so protect gotta make protection to life points~and add more power to gain more LP~ 1st thing come to my mind is combo with psychic,but think again,be4 the synchros come out,psychic deck eats up more HP than u can ever imagine~(psychic deck player should know what i mean eh?) so just forget abt it~and cloudiance?? nonono!! totally no! after placing everything cloudiance,no place for tunners....=.=" so just forget abt it...after think again and again,still make it back to angel better~this card is an angel afterall~~monsters x19
gellen duo x2
effect veiler x2
herald of orange light x2
chaos end master x2
hecatrice x3
dark valkyrie x3
magic x13
cyclone x2
pot of avarice x1
trap x8
magic cylinder x2
call of haunted x1
it's shoshi time!!! i really wish there's really this stamp in the world~~then i'll collecting all of them until i'm the only 1 that got in this world~xD
recently except for the decks improvement and deck idea thin king,my class also started already....=.="( economics and acc which i hate the most...=.=") sure fail again this time....=.=" arghh!! kena scam by the center larh!!! just to blame myself too stupid why go belive in them...=.=" they told me there's no acc and econs in their course...fck larh! 1st book pass down,i go and stare at the name of the book!! WOOTS!!! financial accounting!! WHAT THE ***!!!!!! =.=" feel like wan to fly and slap that ppl that told me no acc and econs on the face....!!! haiz...another suffering terms started...
feel boring go bak to my cards album and view it again~ suddenly saw a card that almost no1 use(atlease just 1 ppl use this card in NICEPLAY shop,he's a friend of mine~)~yeah,it's ancient sacred wyvern~~so i just feel like wanna make a deck around it~

gellen duo x2
effect veiler x2
herald of orange light x2
chaos end master x2
hecatrice x3
dark valkyrie x3
honest x2
zeradias,herald of heaven x3magic x13
cyclone x2
pot of avarice x1
terroforming x2
vahalla,hall of fallen x3scantuary of sky x3
emergancy provision x2trap x8
magic cylinder x2
rainbow life x2
aegis of gaia x3call of haunted x1
hmm,haven't try it out yet~just wish it'll work out well~mostly when thinking of combos are easy,but when u really into the deck and play,will hang up ur hand...=.=" the main point is,rainbow life>aegis of gaia >provision=discard 1 hand>gain 3k life>gain 1k life>gain another 3k life=1 hand card exhange for 7k life points~hope it work out~some1 told me to kick out effec veiler and put in sunny pixie~well,to gain 1k life~ but to me,if pixie is fairy type,i won't even doubt a second and put it in,the problem is it's same as effect veiler is spellcaster,and same is light,so effect veiler works out more~if is just something useless and nice efect only,effect veiler discard and negate the effect,if is something big like dark arms or judgement,orange light shall done the work~~hmm,why dark valkyrie u ask? well,ntg else to place in...=.="
it's shoshi time!!! i really wish there's really this stamp in the world~~then i'll collecting all of them until i'm the only 1 that got in this world~xD
Monday, October 18, 2010
Vairon Omega
annyeonghaseyoo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~hmm,my laval still not very stialble though,so i won't be posting it up yet~but i find out something that why laval lose to ritua~~laval ain't afraid of eviritua soul ogre,but eviritua mind ogress...==" always clear my grave to empty....=.="
and here goes my inverz's generation!! with birdman and kurokishian is totaly a perfect match~~hmm,just wodering that update inverz what's it's effect go on?? the art is very very cool!! and for laval lancer...kinda disappointed in it....can summon it without release a monster,but SENT to grave at the end phase...=.=" but the effect gotta be destroy then only can i destroy it?? thunder break?? destruction portion?? or scrap dragon?? is like totally no point...=.=" the only good of him is stars to let u tune it with tempress... star dust?? red demon?? or scrap dragon??
ok now,let's talk abt vairon~~the Omega really MEGA....yeah,a MEGA bad ass...=.=" wtf? u see, vairon vanguard+vairon cube+vairon sphere=vairon omega!! and pay 500 LP to let sphere to stick to omega,cube's effect search out 1 equip spell(mage power is recommanded here),and then for omega's own effect to equip 1 "vairon" monster to itself~so now u got 2 equip spells,so u kow why i recommanded mage power ain't?? when synchro out,it can clear off all monster that's normal summon...that means,monarch and inverz all go bye bye~~that's not just it...=.=" the most scariest is as long as it got equip card on it,it's a divine warth.... damn shit...=.=" all go bye bye,throw in kunai with chains or dynamite with chian...=.=" dam it... now just waiting for vahalla,hecatrice and honest to get reprinted or the news of them,so that i won't regret~~=3 then my vairon is up high in the sky d~~=3
"up upon in the great santuary in the sky,a lord that give out the judgement to the deadly sins of invading~ shine the light of justice that brighter than the sun!! synchro summon,Vairon Omega!!!"
and here goes my inverz's generation!! with birdman and kurokishian is totaly a perfect match~~hmm,just wodering that update inverz what's it's effect go on?? the art is very very cool!! and for laval lancer...kinda disappointed in it....can summon it without release a monster,but SENT to grave at the end phase...=.=" but the effect gotta be destroy then only can i destroy it?? thunder break?? destruction portion?? or scrap dragon?? is like totally no point...=.=" the only good of him is stars to let u tune it with tempress... star dust?? red demon?? or scrap dragon??
ok now,let's talk abt vairon~~the Omega really MEGA....yeah,a MEGA bad ass...=.=" wtf? u see, vairon vanguard+vairon cube+vairon sphere=vairon omega!! and pay 500 LP to let sphere to stick to omega,cube's effect search out 1 equip spell(mage power is recommanded here),and then for omega's own effect to equip 1 "vairon" monster to itself~so now u got 2 equip spells,so u kow why i recommanded mage power ain't?? when synchro out,it can clear off all monster that's normal summon...that means,monarch and inverz all go bye bye~~that's not just it...=.=" the most scariest is as long as it got equip card on it,it's a divine warth.... damn shit...=.=" all go bye bye,throw in kunai with chains or dynamite with chian...=.=" dam it... now just waiting for vahalla,hecatrice and honest to get reprinted or the news of them,so that i won't regret~~=3 then my vairon is up high in the sky d~~=3
"up upon in the great santuary in the sky,a lord that give out the judgement to the deadly sins of invading~ shine the light of justice that brighter than the sun!! synchro summon,Vairon Omega!!!"
Monday, October 11, 2010
anyeonghaseyoo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~=D well sry guys,for recently didn't update anything~ hmm,scrap just work well than i ever imagine,whack BF's ass and kick LL's butt~~nice~xD but laval still under modification,once it's done,i'll post it up~=) laval's most biggest problem is have to maintain the numbers in the grave,and omfg,laval just have such little monsters...hmm,after done lavals,now working on inverz~but for sure,inverz is more playable than laval~~well,after watch chikaid's video,i suddenly got some idea on inverz~well,so far as i see other ppl making,no1 put this card into inverz yet,then i'll be the 1st 1~xD yes! kuro monarch play style,ally genex birdman!!!xD if u dun wan to,play it as black highlander also can~xD
monster x21dark grepher x3
dark arm dragon x1
ally genex birdman/dark reasonator x2
evil cell of inverz x3
inverz caller x3
inverz gasath x1
inverz gilafer x2inverz madith x2
inverz morth x2
scout of inverz x2
magic x13
cyclone x2
hurricane x1
agressive move x3
recurring nightmare x3
double summon x2
monster reborn x1
my body as shield x1
trap x6
agressive wave x3
hate buster x2
call of haunted x1
extra deck x10
stardust dragon x1
red demon's dragon x1
scrap dragon x2
mental sphere demon x1
psycho health transler x2
real genex kurokishian/heavenly king black highlander x2
well,just see how u play,if u put drak reasonator,ofcourse it goes to black highlander,if u put birdman,then say hello to kurokishian~~xD
Sunday, October 3, 2010
disaster dragon & scrap emperor
annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~~heh,finally get to post up my disaster dragon-frozen ray~~
monster x20red eyes darkness metal dragon x2
red eyes wyvern x3
blizzard dragon x3
blue ice white night dragon x1koa'ki meiru drago x3
mask dragon x3morphing jar x1
delta fly x2
oyster meister x2
magic x9
shrink x2
cyclone x2
hand destruction x2
drag into grave x1monster reborn x1
future fusion x1
trap x11
water spiritual art-aoi x3
solem judgement x1
trap dustshoot x1
mind crush x1
call of haunted x1
bottomless traphole x2
kick back x2
hmm,it worked out great,by control opponent's hand cards,most of the time i can clear off all the monster he got inhis hand and end up with empty field~great deck idea on this~=D
next is my scrap deck~i know i know,i just posted it~but i did some modify in it~^^ solem judgement is abit too pain for i kicked it out~
monster x17
machine emperor,grannel infinity x2
scrap chimaera x2scrap beast x3
scrap soldier x1
scrap golem x2
scrap goblin x2
level stealler x2
summon priest x1
critter x1
card gunner x1
magic x16
scrap squall x3
scrap zone x3foolish burial x1
double summon x2
hand destruction x2
cyclone x2monster reborn x1
hurricane x1mind control x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1westland tornado x2
compulsory excauvation device x2
scrap twin dragon x2
scrap dragon x3
stardust dragon x1
red demon's dragon x1
mental sphere demon x1black rose dragon x1
psycho health transler x1goyou guardian x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
magical android x2
AOJ catastor x1
well,u feel it's missing something dun u?? where's my favorite card??o.O can't see it anywehere?? yup,this deck i kicked out pot of avarice,well u see,most of the times,i can KO opponent with my grave less than 4 most of the time pot of avarice block up my hand...=.=" so i rather put transmigtion~
it's soshi time!!! i heard my "bro" says that they're at brunei now...TT really wish i can go...but too bad my passprt is already expired...==" arghh!! when will u all come to penang??my angels~~TT
Friday, October 1, 2010
machine emperor-grannel~
annyeonghaseyoo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~=) hmm,it's a long time since my last post eh? because saying wanna post up disaster dragon-frozen ray,but i still can't get a full pic of my deck yet,so didn't post it~my friend borrow 1 of my wyvern,that's why~well,dun wan to leave it to be like this anymore,so before my wyvern come bak,i'll post up my machine emperor scrap deck~aiks>< the name is lame...=.=" maybe should think out of some better names~ ok,GRANNEL~every1 of u saw how big it's size in the anime already right?? it is also known as the strongest machine emperor in the anime~but i found out something here,although grannel's effect is superb,but still it's atk points are not staible enough,if it come in late game,u'll cry~but if u can manage ur LP at the late game is aother story~F3 wisel is good,but just i can't think out of a deck that can combo with it,because it locks all of ur monster's attack...=.=" let's see the deck shall we??
machine emperor,grannel infinity x2
scrap soldier x2
scrap golem x2
scrap beast x3scrap chimaera x2
scrap goblin x1
level stealler x2
card gunner x1
critter x1
summon priest x1
swift attacking scarcrow x2
magic x15
pot of avarice x1
scrap zone x3
hurricane x1
monster reborn x1
shrink x2
scrap squall x3
hand destruction x2
foolish burial x1
mind control x1
trap x6
chain whirlwindx1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
westland tornado x2
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
hmm,it's kinda staible in my way~most of the thing i dun like to put into 3>< because most of the new archtype will get new supports,so better save up slot for them~=) and i wanted to ask baha abt something~ i wonder why put 3 goblin??o.O it's like,no have any usage except for synchroing for goelm+goblin... well,we dun have scrap demon yet u see...=.="
and that's all for now,annyeonghikyeseyo~
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