recently except for the decks improvement and deck idea thin king,my class also started already....=.="( economics and acc which i hate the most...=.=") sure fail again this time....=.=" arghh!! kena scam by the center larh!!! just to blame myself too stupid why go belive in them...=.=" they told me there's no acc and econs in their course...fck larh! 1st book pass down,i go and stare at the name of the book!! WOOTS!!! financial accounting!! WHAT THE ***!!!!!! =.=" feel like wan to fly and slap that ppl that told me no acc and econs on the face....!!! haiz...another suffering terms started...
feel boring go bak to my cards album and view it again~ suddenly saw a card that almost no1 use(atlease just 1 ppl use this card in NICEPLAY shop,he's a friend of mine~)~yeah,it's ancient sacred wyvern~~so i just feel like wanna make a deck around it~

gellen duo x2
effect veiler x2
herald of orange light x2
chaos end master x2
hecatrice x3
dark valkyrie x3
honest x2
zeradias,herald of heaven x3magic x13
cyclone x2
pot of avarice x1
terroforming x2
vahalla,hall of fallen x3scantuary of sky x3
emergancy provision x2trap x8
magic cylinder x2
rainbow life x2
aegis of gaia x3call of haunted x1
hmm,haven't try it out yet~just wish it'll work out well~mostly when thinking of combos are easy,but when u really into the deck and play,will hang up ur hand...=.=" the main point is,rainbow life>aegis of gaia >provision=discard 1 hand>gain 3k life>gain 1k life>gain another 3k life=1 hand card exhange for 7k life points~hope it work out~some1 told me to kick out effec veiler and put in sunny pixie~well,to gain 1k life~ but to me,if pixie is fairy type,i won't even doubt a second and put it in,the problem is it's same as effect veiler is spellcaster,and same is light,so effect veiler works out more~if is just something useless and nice efect only,effect veiler discard and negate the effect,if is something big like dark arms or judgement,orange light shall done the work~~hmm,why dark valkyrie u ask? well,ntg else to place in...=.="
it's shoshi time!!! i really wish there's really this stamp in the world~~then i'll collecting all of them until i'm the only 1 that got in this world~xD
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