haiz,as u know,if wanna participate in paul's tourny(kl sg.wang plaza there),most of the time promo cards are not allow,so have to modify most of the playable deck into non promo deck(promo cards here are refering to game cards,v-jump cards,subscription cards,limited addition cards)~anti spell and metal reflect slime are promos,so they won't be allowed into the tourny,so have to make some changes~
monster x9
uria,lord of searing flames x2
critter x1
card gunner x1
killer tomato x3
spirit reaper x1
morphing jar x1
magic x10
cyclone x1
magic planter x2
monster reincarnation x2
reasoning x1
shooting star bow-ceal x1
arms hole x2
trap x21
stronghold,the moving fortress x3
imperial custom x2
gravity bind x1
wall of revilling light x1
xing zhen hu x2
summoning limit x3
be gone,knave! x2
ordeal of traveller x2
nightmare wheel x3
curse of darkness x2
i know this is not that strong,but i wanna show some guts of non meta to most of the player~because u see,even if paul's tourny issin't with that rule,most of the player will take meta decks into the tourny,so worst when paul's tourny is with that rule,become 100% player take meta deck to the tourny~think of it,if promos are not allow,what deck else can be play?
E.hero with no absolute zero or the shining=dead
Infernities with no archfiend and guardian=dead
dragon beat/hopeless dragon with no red eyes darkness metal=dead
neo flamevell deck with no neo flamvell cards=no decks at all
AOJ deck with only 1 AOJ catalastor=dead
natural deck with no natural monster cards=dam...=.="
demon roar deity deck with no demon roar monster=hell ass!
twilight chaos synchro deck with no chaos end master and chaos end sphere=meaningless
bergzak tourture with no bergzak=wat the fck?!
twilight angels with no angels at all=walao!
u see,all of the fun playing and great idea deck are gone,so what u expect in the tourny? for sure is just light lords,gladiator beast,black feather,stardust buster and undead,even now undead is not in there already...so that's what make the tourny boring...=.="
just get pass from my driving test yesterday~weehoo!! xD