monster x19
cyber dragon x1
machiner fortress x2
antique gear golem x2
shredder x2
scrap recycler x3
antique gear knight x3
antique gear soldier x3
antique gear dragon x3
magic x21
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
limit removal x1
future fusion x1
power bond x1
antique gear workshop x2
machiner's frontline x2
foolish burial x2
unity of family x3
gear town x3
gaia power x3
dun ask me why there's no trap~maybe u'll ask "sneaky trap hole will do?" but no i dun think so~hlpless trap cards in the deck will just make the deck get a dead draw~
i'll give u a duel to see how this deck work with the almost the same deck~
my opponent-machiner's gear up town(that's the name he gave...=.=)
me-machiner's allies~
1st turn,he flip off a machiner force at the bootom of the deck~so i give the 1st turn to him~ he summon machiner gear frame in atk position and use it's effect to get a machiner force to his hand~then he discard 2 machiner force to sp summon 2 machiner fortress in atk mode,set 1 card face down and then he call his turn end~
is my turn,i draw a card~and there's my hand card below:
scrap recycler
antique gear golem
antique gear dragon
cyber dragon
heavy storm
machiner's frontline
so what will u do when u got a hand like this???2 super big machiner fortress on the side of opponent and a gear frame~i alway do thing carefully~heavy storm 1st then will think what the next step~after clear up his magic/trap(is a bottomless....=.=) then i sp summon out cyber dragon and summon scarp recycler to dump a machiner fortress into the grave~ no more worry of any set cards eh? then discard antique gear golem to call up fortress~cyber and all the machine cuties to the grave pls?? allow me to intro u to the chimeratech fortress dragon with 6000 atk point~~=D then dump antique gear dragon to the grave and call up the other friend of mine-machiner fortress!! waha! 8500 direct dmg to his LP!!! he got shocked and keep read my chimeratech(coz he always over proud of himself and always look down on ppl....think he can't accept what's happening in just a moment be4~) well,machine deck V.S machine deck is to always beware of cyber dragons!!! chimeratech will jump out in no time~

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