forget this is how many times i post on infernity deck~but this time i add on with some discard power in it,and it work great~=) hmm,infernity is a great deck~but i think will died in next bandlist(hope not...=.=)~ if u count all the synchros in 1 turn,it'll be more then 5(i mean after u synchro and use it to resynchro again,such as chain dragon+infernity beetle)~i do it once be4,i got the 1st turn chance,and i made 4 big synchros standing on my field,and my hand go 0,1 infernity death dragon,1 one hundred eyes dragon,2 stardust dragon~ so wat u think opponent will do in thier turn? ofcourse if set some cards and set a monster,what else they can do? 2 stardust make u feel like ur losing already~
monster x16
monster x16
infernity revenger x1
infernity mirage x2nfernity guardian x2
infernity destroyer x2infernity necromancer x3
infernity beetle x3
infernity archfiend x3cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
foolish burial x1
one for one x1offer to the doom x2
shrink x2zero max x2
nihilistic purgatory x2
infernity gun x3
trap x9
holy barrier-mirror force x1
infernity inferno x2
infernity break x3
infernity force x3

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