ahh~so happy,none of any infernities are in super rare or any else(except infernity death dragon),just be4 the pack out,i'm so scare that some of the cards will be super rare,like infernity mirage or infernity gun,but it didn't,that's really a good news for me~=)here are some modify from my last infernity deck,it's just perfect with infernity death dragon and one hundred eyes dragon~did u ever imagine that one hundred eyes dragon can come out so easy? yup,is easy for infernities~let's give u some examples,infernity necromancer+infernity archfiend+infernity revenger=one hundred eyes dragon~don't like this? maybe u can try this also, infernity destroyer+infernity beetle=one hundred eyes dragon~and infernities is turn out to be like somehow meta deck,i can summon up more than 5 synchro monster in one turn,and with psyco health trancler,i gain LP faster than u can ever imagin~
monster x16
infernity revenger x1

infernity mirage x2
infernity guardian x2
infernity destroyer x2
infernity necromancer x3
infernity beetle x3
infernity archfiend x3
magic x13
one for one x1
foolish burial x1
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
shrink x2
offer to the doom x2
infernity gun x2
trap x11
holy barrier-mirror force x1
infernity break x2
compulsory excauvation device x2
raigeki break x3
infernity force x3
infernity break is kinda broken also,it's effect is "romove from play one CARD with 'infernity' name in it" is just a card,so u can romove from play any infernity magic/trap after u use them,example i remove from play infernity mirage to use infernity break,then next infernity break i can choose to remove from play infernity break that has been used,issin't it great? nihilistic purgatory is just nice for early game like sniper hunter,it not really prefer to shows up in late game,but this card is also a support for dark world,ain't?
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