Sunday, April 25, 2010

sky scourge norleras

i know this is a very old deck already,but when i saw my friend is playing with his sky scourge deck,i can't hlp thinking of rebuilting it,but this time i changed some cards in it~too bad that dimensional alchemist have to be destroy in order to activate it's effect,so the combo of the deck can't hlp lot with dimension alchemist,just maybe get hit by others and get the effect activate only~
monster x24
sky scourge norleras x3
phantom of darkness x2(yes,only 2)
sniper hunter x1
critter x1
archfiend soldier x3
gorz,the emissary of darkness x1
dark resonator x2
herald of orange light x2
dimension alchemist x3
gellenduo x2
light lord hunter ryokou x3
dark arms dragon x1

magic x6
heavy sorm x1
cyclone x1
charge of light x1
foolish burial x1
D.D.R x2

trap x10
interdimensional matter transporter x2
bottomless trap hole x2
solem judgement x1
return from the diffrent dimension x1
call of haunted x1
compulsory excauvation device x3

this deck is made to play synchro also,chaos king demon and black highlander~transporter can transport any monster that u think of useful to RFP zone when u activate norleras' effect even himself~really dun understand why these times i like to put compulsory excauvation device into my decks,maybe see too many of stardust? and,can norleras be sp summon bak by call of haunted / DDR like chaos socerrer?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dragunity arms laevantine~

well,haven't got a full list of dragunity drive structure deck yet,so just made out a deck like this only~laevatein is such a great card after i see the combo on LGQ's blogg~really very nice~just laevatein can be a big hlp in dragon deck already~and here's a deck list i made~
monster x19
light and darkness dragon x3
dragunity arms laevatein x3
red eyes wyvern x3
mask dragon x3
deltafly x3
BF-gale of hurricane x1
red eyes darkness metal dragon x2
card gunner x1

magic x14
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
terrorforming x2
mausoleum of emperor x3
trade in x2
hand destruction x2
foolish burial x1
future fusion x1
pot of avarice x1

trap x7
call of haunted x1
raigeki break x2
bottomless trap hole x2
compulsory excauvation device x2

as LGQ's blogg says,laevatein eq LADD as eq card,if it would be destroy,LADD destroy also,so activate LADD's effect call up laevatein again,then eq with LADD again,endless revival~

Friday, April 23, 2010


yea yea,i know~all the deck idea i made was so weird~i really get scared,i tought no ppl will be playing scraps(new archtype,not random deck arh)~when i ask some1 wether they got scrap chimaera,they all just answer me same thing,:"i was abt to ask u the same thing" walao! some1 even go steal my scrap chimaera....=.= lucky i saw it,like hell~found 1 and it cost me rm30 ea!!!! arghh!! didn't expect will be that expensive~now scarp can't be play rely on thier own archtype yet,have to combine with other cards~self mill is the 1st concept come to mind,so throw in 2 ryokou and 1 card gunner will hlp i think? haven't try it out yet~
monster x17
scrap chimaera x3
scrap beast x3
scrap goblin x2
scrap hunter x2
scrap golem x2
light lord hunter ryokou x2
card gunner x1
critter x1
summon priest x1

magic x12
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
scrap squall x2
scrap polish x2
mind control x1
brain control x1
book of moon x2
lightning voltex x1

trap x11
solem judgement x1
raigeki break x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
trap dust shot x1
call of haunted x1
limit reverse x2
torrential tribute x1

3 milling effect,think won't be too much? scarp dragon is such a strong card,after it release,can heard ppl summoning it out every where~siao 1,and in this deck it got advantage too,open limit reverse,sp summon scrap goblin,release to summon scrap golem,scrap gole's effect sp summon scrap goblin,synchro~scrap dragon,scrap dragon effect target on the limit reverse just now and ur opponent's card,then bang~ abt dragunity drive's card,found out the concept for laventine in play from LGQ's blogg~is not a bad idea though,ur laventine will be a monster that undestructable~will think of a deck for that~

Sunday, April 18, 2010

a fun deck~(not for tournement play,comfirm lose)

this deck is just play for fun,seeing already have all the cards ready,so just built it~there's no lvl4 or above monster in the main deck,all are lvl3 and 2,so it would be a great idea to put gravity bind and level limit area~ thinking maybe can play in tourny,but look at the combination of the deck makes me can't hope it can win decks like bf or light lords~
monster x20
BF-gale of hurricane x1
critter x1
N.gran mole x1
marshmallon x1
spirit reaper x1
card trooper x1
mystic swordsman lvl2 x2
dash warrior x3
mataza the zapper x3
spell striker x3
maraunding captain x3

magic x13
level limit area B x1
reinforcement of the army x1
pot of avarice x1
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
arms hole x3
warrior returning alive x2
unstable evolution x3
trap x7
gravity bind x1
wall of the reviling light x1
call of haunted x1
torrential tribute x1
limit reverse x3

weird right? just see dash warrior is kinda potential in a method like this,and this deck won't affect mush by bottmless and trap hole~really~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

ultimate psychicker

can any1 tell me? if i use psycho tunning or call of haunted to sp summon ultimate psychicker from grave,if the trap is destroy,is it destroy too? or it remains on field?? i think is destroy as well right?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

another lame deck

as a fan of Kiryu Kyosuke,i really have to say this~wtf is this deck?! infernity=infernity,what for putting diabolic guy and light lords?! and infernity demon normal summon/specil summon then search when u got 0 hands? what the fuck?! act dumb when i noticed?! here's the deck list
monster x21
infernity demon x3
infernity necromancer x3
infernity beetle x3
d.hero diabolic guy x2
dark grapher x3
light lord soceress lyla x3
light lord summoner lumina x1
critter x1
gorz,the emmisarry of darkness x1
necro guardna x1

magic x17
infernity gun x3
de-synchro x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
hurricane x1
charge of light x1
allure of darkness x1
deal with dark world x3
hand destruction x3
foolish burial x1

trap x2
torrential tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1

what the hell is this? de-synchro?! resummon trisula? i think that's so pointless,and lot of ppl like to put gorz into infernity deck...=.=" and hand destruction?!
i played with him,1st duel,he show me that he got 2 d.hero diabolic guy in his hand,then he tell me he surrender...=.= then next turn,he set all his card to magic/trap zone,then normal summon infernity demon,then he started searching,omfg!! he argue with me that infernity demon can search in any way summon it as long as ur hand remain 0...=.=" so i let him be,then he win the duel ltr on with all the demon summon search....
duel 3,i summon one hundred eyes dragon,infernity death dragon and 2 stardust in 1st turn,then magic/trap zone set with 3 infernity break,infernity force and raigeki break,so he just surrender~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

quick magnetor synchro

think kinda long already,abt quick synchro deck,watching my friends playing over and over again,so decide to make 1 too,but too bad i dun have any extra tunning supporter,so can't complete it until now~yeap,no tunning supporter is not meaning this deck can't be played,let's do another sytle~
today's key card:

monster x21
quick synchro x3
junk synchro x3
synchro magnetor x3
level stealler x3
bolt hedgehog x3
critter x1
cyber dragon x2
morphing jar x1
mask of darkness x2

magic x10
cyclone x1
cold wave x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
hand destruction x2
lightning voltex x1
foolish burial x1
book of moon x2

trap x9
bottomless trap hole x2
holy barrier-mirror force x1
torrential tribute x1
call of haunted x1
compulsory excauvation device x3
solem judgement x1

is kinda can play d,but not so fast like normal quick syncrho deck,just feel that synchro magnetor should be a useful card,so try to put into the deck,it works great~quick synchro discard level stealler and sp summon,by decrease 1 lvl of quick synchro,sp summon level stealler,syncrho for junk warrior,then synchro magnetor come out,synchro magnetor+junk synchro=stardust/red demon/collosal/infernity death dragon~
or u can also do this,junk synchro pull up bolt hedgehog,synchro for magical android/AOJ catastor,then synchro magnetor come out,bolt hedgehog's effect sp summon himself up,synchro for another 5 stars synchro monster~or just simply do a 8 stars synchro~nice huh?=)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


machiners is japan top rated deck?! omfg!! i nvr think abt that be4>< but after i saw the deck list,"cheyyyy"~ just gadget+machiner fortress and machiner gear frame~and maybe machiner force to summon fortress~sians sia~why can't they just kick out all those gadget ideas?! is so lame,see every where,no one is kik out the concept with gadget,LL,BF or GB...=.=" all the deck are sticking to it,omfg~why can't these deck idea just made as support to build a new deck? every1 try to think out some fun decks? have funs? and not stick to the deck that already exist so porpular? i'm not saying that i'm unique or something,just think out of the box,dun always stick to the old ways,light lords can be support in many other decks,why have to be JD and lumina only? BF i can't say anything,because they're supporting bak to BF only,so must be stick together like honey,same goes to GB,lame~machiner can be play larh,play bak machiners OTK? or only machiners will do? no more gadget concept,okay?
today's key card:

monsters x20
machiner fortress x3
machiner gear frame x3
machiner force x3
antique gear knight x3
scrap recycler x3
N.grandmole x1
antique gear dragon x3
morphing jar x1

magic x18
machiner frontline x2
gaia power x3
gear town x3
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
hurricane x1
lightning voltex 1
pot of avarice x1
terrorforming x2
limit removal x1
foolish burial x1
card destruction x1

trap x2
royal decree x2

so this is the OTK concept,is much fun then gadgets~so pls duelist,i begg u all,no more light lords deck or black feather deck concept,these are all the same,if u wish to post on ur blogg or anywhere,i can't stop u,but just it's boring,coz is always the same only

infernity deck 2~

i think i got alot of modify on this deck already~i think there will still be another modify when the next bandlist out>< let's get started at the topic~
today's key card:

yup,a card that most problely will be restrict to 1 in the next band list,once think be4 of making it to 1 in my deck to play in the game,but one guy playing with me laughing me for losing to him,but he didn't know i was just using 1 gun,so i decide to put bak to 3 1st,wait until next bandlist then only i'll follow it~
monster x15
infernity mirage x2
infernity revenger x1
infernity guardian x2
infernity destroyer x2
infernity beetle x3
infernity demon x2
infernity necromancer x3

magic x11
foolish burial x1
card destruction x1
cyclone x1
one for one x1
nihilistic purgatory x2
infernity gun x3

trap x14
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
solem judgement x1
infernity break x3
infernity force x3
raigeki break x3
infernity inferno x2

why 2 demon only u ask? i feel that 3 infernity demon is nice,but is just for more chance of drawing it~so i feel that 2 is enough for the deck already~some1 put dark world dealing into this deck,hand destrcutions,and even d.hero diabolic guy!! o.O(i really shock when i see this,he told me the he draw 2 diablolic guy and then he surrender...=.=)!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

a card that usefull now days

today's key card:


any1 noticed? this card is quite useful now days,a 4 star tunner,even though the effect is abit annoying,but think of what it can do~
call of haunted- most of the deck have it now days,although the summoned monster won't be destroy,but still get to summon 1 tunner from ur hand~
skill drain- annoying card should let it gone 1st,trap eater will hlp u by eating it up~
light/dark imprison mirror-same goes to skill drain,eat it up~xD
gravity bind-if ur opp play burn or store,for sure they'll play this card,no second word,eat it up,the one and only~
royal decree-no trap cards for u is abit irritating also,eat it up~=)
royal oppression-this 1 is the most annoying card!!! no synchro,no fusion,no DAD and no JD,once u eat it up then everything is done~
anti spell fragrance-magic have to set 1 turn? eat it up!!!
just macro cosmos that can' be eaten><
so u see? trap eater is a good card actually,so dun say is useless again~=D