as a fan of Kiryu Kyosuke,i really have to say this~wtf is this deck?! infernity=infernity,what for putting diabolic guy and light lords?! and infernity demon normal summon/specil summon then search when u got 0 hands? what the fuck?! act dumb when i noticed?! here's the deck list
monster x21infernity demon x3
infernity necromancer x3
infernity beetle x3d.hero diabolic guy x2
dark grapher x3
light lord soceress lyla x3
light lord summoner lumina x1
critter x1gorz,the emmisarry of darkness x1
necro guardna x1
magic x17
infernity gun x3
de-synchro x2cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
hurricane x1charge of light x1
allure of darkness x1
deal with dark world x3
hand destruction x3foolish burial x1
torrential tribute x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1what the hell is this? de-synchro?! resummon trisula? i think that's so pointless,and lot of ppl like to put gorz into infernity deck...=.=" and hand destruction?!

duel 3,i summon one hundred eyes dragon,infernity death dragon and 2 stardust in 1st turn,then magic/trap zone set with 3 infernity break,infernity force and raigeki break,so he just surrender~
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