yea yea,i know~all the deck idea i made was so weird~i really get scared,i tought no ppl will be playing scraps(new archtype,not random deck arh)~when i ask some1 wether they got scrap chimaera,they all just answer me same thing,:"i was abt to ask u the same thing" walao! some1 even go steal my scrap chimaera....=.= lucky i saw it,like hell~found 1 and it cost me rm30 ea!!!! arghh!! didn't expect will be that expensive~now scarp can't be play rely on thier own archtype yet,have to combine with other cards~self mill is the 1st concept come to mind,so throw in 2 ryokou and 1 card gunner will hlp i think? haven't try it out yet~
monster x17
scrap chimaera x3
scrap beast x3
scrap goblin x2
scrap hunter x2
scrap golem x2
light lord hunter ryokou x2
card gunner x1
critter x1
summon priest x1
magic x12
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
scrap squall x2
scrap polish x2
mind control x1
brain control x1
book of moon x2
lightning voltex x1
trap x11
solem judgement x1
raigeki break x2
compulsory excauvation device x3
trap dust shot x1
call of haunted x1
limit reverse x2
torrential tribute x1

3 milling effect,think won't be too much? scarp dragon is such a strong card,after it release,can heard ppl summoning it out every where~siao 1,and in this deck it got advantage too,open limit reverse,sp summon scrap goblin,release to summon scrap golem,scrap gole's effect sp summon scrap goblin,synchro~scrap dragon,scrap dragon effect target on the limit reverse just now and ur opponent's card,then bang~ abt dragunity drive's card,found out the concept for laventine in play from LGQ's blogg~is not a bad idea though,ur laventine will be a monster that undestructable~will think of a deck for that~
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