anneonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki here~=) these few days i'm all talking abt dragons,did u feel that?? dragunity,red eyes~all in dragons~>< well,i think the "old me" is bak and getting bak crazy on dragons~well,i'm used to being called as "dragon master"(maple story evan?o.O i'm playing evan though,chiong every morning~xD)~yes,no bluff! my friend in YGO used to call me as "dragon master",since i'm the only 1 that play dragon decks and whack their ass~xD(well,i told u abt i'm a power deck user last time~) really,i told u what,last time in almost all of my decks,are base on dragons~here are the dragons deck i used to play with:
1.tyrant dragun rush
2.horus lock down
3.lvl arm dragon eyes eyes
6.spiritual dragon OTK
see?? originally from dragons~that's how i'm "evan" in YGO site~xD and now i'm crazy abt evan in maple lolx~among my friends i'm the only 1 playing it~lolx~
i'll be posting 2 decklist in this post~for the 1st 1 is u've already known-red eyes~
monster x23
red eyes darkness metal dragon x2
red eyes wyvern x3
red eyes black dragon x2
hound dragon x2
strong wind dragon x2
mask dragon x3
debris dragon x2
delta fly x2
dragon vanguard x2
totem dragon x3
magic x12
hand destruction x2
heavy storm x1

cyclone x1
future fusion x1
foolish burial x1
pot of avarice x1
burden of mighty x3
symbolic of duty x2
trap x5
thunder break x2
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
trap dustshot x1
well~this is red eyes aggro rush~symbolic is a good card here~well,got 4 normal dragons u see~and why i kick out junk synchro u ask? ermm,kinda maybe i suddenly got a mood on making it to all dragons,and another reason is for totem dragon to come up easily~
and for the next deck is dragunity~i call this deck as "draguni pride"
monster x23
dragunity arms-laevatein x2
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-brandistock x3
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-phalanx x2
dragunity-corsescca x1
dragunity-mitlum x2
dragunity-legion x2
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-primus pilus x1
dragunity-angustivc x1
magic x13
treasure of harmony x2
dragon canyon x3
DDR x2
dragon maunipulation technique x2
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
terrorforming x1
trap x4
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
why just 1 terrorforming?? let me tell u,i always get terrorforming comming together with dragon canyon,that really pissed me off...=.="(even though i just put 1 but doesn't change it come together...)primus and angistivc can't have too much,1 is kinda small,another miss the timing...=.=" and the deck should squeeze in trident dragon,for OTK game~^^
SoShi time!!! found this pic in goosle~~^^ and i like it alot~taeyeon and jessica~~well,when i 1st time watched SoShi's MV,i can immedietly reconize jessica~well,she's the most easiest to reconize actually~=) he hardest for me to reconize last time are yuri,seohyun,taeyeon and yoona~trust me, 4 of them look almost the same for new fans~xDand that's all for now,anneonghikaseyo~