turret warrior x2
necro guardna x1
koa'ki meiru bergzak x3
blade knight/DD lady warrior x2
light lord warrior garoth x3
lightlord paladin jean x3twin breaker/lightlord monk ehren x2
shield warrior x2
magic x17
heavy storm x1
charge of light x1
pot of avarice x1cyclone x1
solidarity x3warrior returning alive x3
shrink x3
solar recharge x3
trap x5
call of haunted x1
desperate tag change x2
roar of pride x2
lolx~i used to make this deck a trap immute deck,but since royal decree is limit to 2...and my deck discard too fast,think won't be hlp alot though~really,sometimes i can't stop both LL's milling....and opponent can't kill them because they're big enough with solidarity....=.=" so turret warrior mostly is to get rid of this kind of problem~
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