monster x17
dark world mad king,bron x3
dark world vanguard,beiige x3dark world huntsman,broww x2
dark world wu-lord,goldd x3
dark world warlord,sillva x3
dark world tactician,gren x2
mist demon x2
mist demon x2
magic x13
dark world lightning x3
solidarity x3
dark world dealing x2
burden of mighty x3cyclone x1
card destruction x1
trap x10
dark deal x2solem judgement x1
hate buster x2
holy barrier-mirror force x1call of haunted x1
mind crush x1
skill drain x2
ohya,and why dark deal is a waste??i find it quite a good card actually~when i duel,i see lots of normal magic cards like mind control,pot of avarice,heavy storm,trade in,allure or even brain control~so sry again miky~i will still put it in>< i got some idea to put in wheel of nightmare in~but in the end i find it the monster is too less...so i gotta kick it out~and next pack gonna out soon~~i really wish that all the scrap card will be just normal/rare,or even ultra/ulti~really dun wish searcher or soldier in super,coz that will them their price in so high up in the sky~and hard to find...=.=" searcher is a must in the deck,but sometimes i did get a dead draw like this:
scrap golem x2
scrap soldier x2
scrap oil zone x1
heavy storm x1
i'll straight go OMFG...=.=" not even scrap zone on the hand...or sometimes in hand like this i'll also go knock my head to the table:scrap beast x2
scrap soldier x2
scrap goblin x2did u see that?! when u see something like this,u really wanna bang ur head to the wall...=.=" and sometimes get whole green/whole red/whole brown....if is in poker then i can call it a royal flush...=.="too bad i'm not good in poker,just use them to play magic tricks...haiz haiz~~gotta think for a way to make scrap soldier to grave,or u'll face a very big trouble...belive me~~
and it's Soshi time~=D well,ntg much to say abt today,found this pic in google~n i think it's quite nice~~yes, our ice princess jessica and a mushroom that brighter than a gem tiffany~~^^ i heard that they're gonna out another new album soon in this year~~yay~~xD So Neo Shi Dae fighting!!
and that's all for now~anneohikaseyo~~
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