morphing jar x1
sillva,dark world's warlord x3
goldd,dark world's wu-lord x3beiige,dark world's vanguard x3
broww,dark world's huntsman x3
dark tinker x2
trap eater x1dark reasonator x2
lancer demon x2
magic x10
dark world dealing x2
battle tunne x2
monster reborn x1
card destruction x1gateway to the dark world x1
into the void x2
burden of mighty x2mind crush x1
bark of dark ruler x2holy barrier-mirror force x1
call of haunted x1
solem judgement x1
tyrant's coercion x3
extra deck x9
heavenly king black highlander x1chaos king demon x1
stardust dragon x1scrap dragon x1
red demon's dragon x1
one hundred eyes dragon x1
black rose dragon x1goyou guardian x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
hmm,chaos king demon is suitable for this deck,by facing a none synchro deck,just call out chaos demon king to kick his little ass~xD

monster x28
growup bulb x2moja x3
king of the beast x2
beast striker x3
lightlord summoner luminious x1
lightlord beast wulf x3
lightlord hunter ryokou x3
vanity big ape x1
key mouse x2elephun x2
manticore of darkness x1
lock cat x3
magic x12
lightning voltex x1
monster reincarnation x2
charge of light x1
solar recharge x3
cyclone x2
foolish burial x1pot of avarice x1
one for one x1
stardust dragon x1
red demon's dragon x1
scrap dragon x2
mental sphere demon x1
black rose dragon x1
psycho health transler x2
chain dragon x1goyou guardian x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
AOJ catastor x2
magical andriod x2
Soshi time!!! arghh,i finally found this pic!!!!!! for months i finding this pic...=.=" i got all the other 8 mamber's sailor outfit pic but just tae yeon~and i've found it!!! happy!!!xD
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