king of the beast x2
moja x3beast striker x3
lock cat x3
key mouse x2
elephun x2
monoceros x1
scrap beast x2vanity big ape x1
manticore of darkness x1
lightlord beast,wulf x3
lightlord hunter,ryokou x3
magic x11
one for one x1
charge of light x1
pot of avarice x1
solar recharge x3
creature swap x2
cyclone x2
foolish burial x1
trap x3
call of haunted x1
angel lift x2
3 traps>< some of my friend suggest me to kick out those 3 and replace with 3 royal decree~well,it's a good suggestion,but i dun have any royal decree d~~and i nid some of the reviving power~=) beast striker is with 1850 atk~xD i wonder why dun make it to 1900??=/
Soshi time!!!xD long time no have Soshi's pic d,sry for the ppl that like them>< here's a pic~~=3
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