annyong haseyo~dark justice kuroyuki here~i admit,i say that laevatein is not suit for pure dragunity is wrong~but dun misunderstand me,i still not strongly recommanded many laevatein in pure dragunity~as i putting DDR,laevatein hlps abit~and yea for rauzes,pilum/aclys or any dragunity dragon that pull another dragunity and equip themself,will make the dragunity that can pull another to equip miss the timing~because once u've activate the effect to sp summon,it's force to equip themself tp the monster they summon~and the equiping is the same timing that they gonna pull another to equip~so now i know why they reprint primus pilus and not agustiv~one reason is because it's newer,another reason is because agustiv can pierce through def when he's equip with a dragunity dragon,but primus just can pull to equip,make sense??
monster x23
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-brandistock x2
dragunity-mitlum x2
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-primus pilus x2
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-legion x2
dragunity-black spear x2
dragunity arms laevatein x1
dragunity-corssesca x1
dragunity-phalanx x2
magic x13
terrorforming x1
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
DDR x2
dragon munipulation technique x2
dragon canyon x3
treasure of harmony x2
trap x4
trasmigtion prophecy x1
solem judgement x1
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
1 laevantein is more than enough to me~because recycling it is absolutly no problem in this deck~neither bottomless or lightning voltex~the most important is the knights to come out~=)
SNSD time~~xDwell,i nvr experience something like this be4,it's 1st time in my life~because of SoShi,i spent alot of times,effort and money to learn korean,and no feel regret~xD i used to hate watching korean drama,coz i feel that it's kinda weird that they actually move their head while speaking~(in 8tv all translate into chinese d,that's why)but i reconize that,while speaking korean,moving head abit is all auto>< because that's the way u get the slang...omfg~xD and now i can speak 7 languages d~hokkean,chinese,malay,english,japanese,contonese,korean~and some slang of the language(actually learning their slang to perfect state,no1 gonna know where u came from if u dun spilt out~xD) 1 time i speak to a england customer and he did mistaken me is also born from england~lolx~it's fun to learn languages~and thanks to SoShi to let me know how beautiful korea is~^^
SNSD fans should really go watch their presents in music bank~especily the episode that they sang "tell me",their moves are good,sing really well and cute outfit~~xD especily jessica with that pink headband~woots><
and that's all for now~annyong hi kaseyo~
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
quick genex factory 2
dark justice kuroyuki is here again~~gotta post the result of the previous deck~it work ain't that well as my ideal combo~but in other side,i really reconize that,this deck doesn't care much abt only 1 target cards~and birthright is destroyed when the monster leaves the field~so no point in putting that~dark valkyria is not that good in this deck,it stuck my hand all the times~so kick it out will be a good decision to make~some1 ask me why rai-ou in this deck?i think maybe u all are also thinking why i put?coz i've genex neutron in the deck that search for machine tunners,so why rai-ou~at the 1st point,i also dunno why i putting rai-ou(i bought it at rm1 ea,although it's korean but i think it's worth enough~all 3 in korean) 2nd point,after i put,i reconize that it really stop that annoyed herald of perfection~aiks!dun use stop,maybe should say slow down~they gotta base on manju and sonic bird to get key cards to hand,so rai-ou can slow them down~
monster x24
morphing jar x1
mist valley falcon x2
junk synchro x2
genex controller x2
mask of darkness x2
quick synchro x3
level stealler x3
bolt hedgehog x3
genex neutron x3
rai-ou x3
magic x10
brain washed-brain control x1
sword of revilling light x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
foolish burial x1
hand destruction x2
swing of memories x2
trap x6
call of haunted x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3
this deck really nid some draw power to turbo~too bad i dun have the "wok head"~and some of my friend told me that swing just targeting controller,so it's just a waste of space~but as i said,this deck ain't scare or worry abt a card just got 1 target~coz i can easily make it to the grave~and aww,i dun have any fire monsters in my deck,ally genex triforce can't have the fire effect~and i gotta comfirm 1st,if i use genex controller+bolt hedgehog+ryokou,did i get both effect or just 1?? some1 pls give me an answer to this,thx~
and it's ShoShi times~i view the comments in ShoShi's MV,i really get annoyed...all the haters are tring hard to spoiled the others' career~hey,see what they've done,they're successful in their career~and see what have u antis done,make alot of anti videos that attracts antis?? lame~ and some of them saying all korean eat dogs...well,eating dogs is just like u're eating chicken~1st step,u cage them~2nd step,u kill them~3rd step,u cook them~last step,u eat them~what's the wrong with that?? this is the habbit/tradision of 1 country~like some country eats bugs or horse,maybe rabbits? and did u ever seen SNSD members eating dogs? nvr right? so shut the hell up if dun have any prove~even though they ate,that's ntg wrong~foods sacrifice themself for us,the most important thing is we respect their sacrifice,not what r they~
monster x24
morphing jar x1
mist valley falcon x2
junk synchro x2
genex controller x2
mask of darkness x2
quick synchro x3
level stealler x3
bolt hedgehog x3
genex neutron x3
rai-ou x3
magic x10
brain washed-brain control x1
sword of revilling light x1
heavy storm x1
pot of avarice x1
cyclone x1
foolish burial x1
hand destruction x2
swing of memories x2
trap x6
call of haunted x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3
this deck really nid some draw power to turbo~too bad i dun have the "wok head"~and some of my friend told me that swing just targeting controller,so it's just a waste of space~but as i said,this deck ain't scare or worry abt a card just got 1 target~coz i can easily make it to the grave~and aww,i dun have any fire monsters in my deck,ally genex triforce can't have the fire effect~and i gotta comfirm 1st,if i use genex controller+bolt hedgehog+ryokou,did i get both effect or just 1?? some1 pls give me an answer to this,thx~
and it's ShoShi times~i view the comments in ShoShi's MV,i really get annoyed...all the haters are tring hard to spoiled the others' career~hey,see what they've done,they're successful in their career~and see what have u antis done,make alot of anti videos that attracts antis?? lame~ and some of them saying all korean eat dogs...well,eating dogs is just like u're eating chicken~1st step,u cage them~2nd step,u kill them~3rd step,u cook them~last step,u eat them~what's the wrong with that?? this is the habbit/tradision of 1 country~like some country eats bugs or horse,maybe rabbits? and did u ever seen SNSD members eating dogs? nvr right? so shut the hell up if dun have any prove~even though they ate,that's ntg wrong~foods sacrifice themself for us,the most important thing is we respect their sacrifice,not what r they~
Monday, June 28, 2010
quick genex factory
hi guys~kuroyuki here~i'm now in kinda emo>< regreting of selling out my ally genex birdman for rm35 each copy~TT the price now is rm60 atlease for ea...if i use bak the money i sold,just left rm10 after buying 1....sad sad!!!! so quick birdman is spoiled....gotta make another 1 again...this time the deck's monster go more and more,it's kinda OMFG to my friends,they keep ask me why i put so many monster in deck...well,i can't hlp....this deck really nd a ton of monsters to play with~
monster x27
morphing jar x1
rai-ou x3
genex neutron x3
dark valkyria x3
bolt hedgehog x3
quick synchro x3
level stealler x3
genex controller x2
mist valley falcon x2
lightlord hunter ryokou x2
junk synchro x2
magc x7
heavy storm x1
brain washed-brain control x1
pot of avarice x1
sword of revilling light x1
cyclone x1
hand destruction x2
trap x6
call of haunted x1
birthright x2
monster x27
morphing jar x1
rai-ou x3
genex neutron x3
dark valkyria x3
bolt hedgehog x3
quick synchro x3
level stealler x3
genex controller x2
mist valley falcon x2
lightlord hunter ryokou x2
junk synchro x2
magc x7
heavy storm x1
brain washed-brain control x1
pot of avarice x1
sword of revilling light x1
cyclone x1
hand destruction x2
trap x6
call of haunted x1
scrap iron scarecrow x1
bottomless trap hole x2birthright x2
wish this format can be played~coz with birdman in,i'll mostly just simply summon it and call for triforce,so no big diffrent to genex controller,but to make it more worthy to put in,i add on with 3 dark valkyria to make birthright in too~that make my deck got mostly element except fire and water~why no undine u ask? i can tell u because u can't see any water monster that i can discard from deck~just genex neutron is good enough already~birdman i just use to bounce bak neutron to have it's effect to run again~so ntg specil between birdman and controller,the biggest diffrent is the price only~xD
and it's the last line of the post~every1 knows what's comming up right?=D yeah~SNSD again~~ can really tell,really really from the bottom of my heart~say that i nvr crazy to a band like this~not even a singer~every time i went into sad mood or moody,i'll go watch SNSD's MV,after watch 1~2 MVs,my mood turn back good~=) ofcourse not only because of SNSD,my sister did a great job on hlping also(because i promiss her to change to more optimistic be4 she went down to pahang to study)~but the way i find to gain bak the happy mood is watch SNSD's MV/show~their smiles and laugh really make me feel like flying into the heaven~=) just now i view SNSD's show at youtube,they sang wonder girls' "tell me" so good,it's like their own song~i didn't mean that WGs are not good or what,just that SNSD really overlap them already~^^ and i dun like the MV of "nobody"...u know why? it's not because i dun like WGs,just that their outfit and hairstyle make them look yucks...=.=" and that old style fashon is not what i like...still normal like now days is better~even normal home clothing is way more better than the style in "nobody"
Sunday, June 27, 2010
quick birdman synchro
hi guys~~well,gotta say sry to andrew ng right here 1st for some sort of misunderstanding~sry,andrew pal~
remamber the quick synchro deck that i made with falcon in it??? actually that day i'm kinda not in the shape to got a idea for decks,so just simply "rojak" all cards into 1,but wow,it's kinda fun to play~too bad that in tourney can't play with it,if not it's sure is a very fun deck to see ppl crying~(because got lots of promo cards...=.=" just enter mini tourney bah~)but ofcourse,the original falcon quick synchro that i made can't be a very suitable deck to be in tourney,still gotta modify it abit so that it's strong enough~=) here is the modify version
genex neutron x3
magic x7

monster x26
morphing jar x1light lord hunter ryokou x2
ally genex birdman x2
quick synchro x3genex neutron x3
rai-ou x3
bolt hedgehog x3junk synchro x3
falcon of mist valley x3
level stealler x3magic x7
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
sword of revilling light x1
pot of avarice x1
brain wash-brain control x1hand destruction x2
trap x7
call of haunted x1
scrap iron scarecrow x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3after modify,the monster in this deck seems to be much more d...=.=" but with genex neutron,i ain't scare of not getting any tunners~2 choices,birdman/quick synchro~ouhhs,and for those who dunno,birdman can't bounce bak cards like zombie carrier/bolt hedgehog/battle fader to hand if they're sp summon by their own effect because they'll gotta removed from play when they leaves the field~i also knew it just now only~for falcon,i mostly will bounce bak sword or morphing jar~lolx~ohya,same goes to falcon's effect,can't bounce bak the cards i mention abt just now~ally genex triforce and triarms are great cards,just that triarms nid genex controller for it's tunner.....=.=" annoyed~too bad that my deck can't synchro kuroshikan,can't see much of dark non tunner monster,just 3 ladybugs...><
time for SNSD again~~xD if i tell u all the mambers' rate for me are the same,i'm just lying~still got the places for every mamber~just that,i still like all 9 of them~won't because of these then i dun like any1 of them~=)
the 1st 1 i like the most~i'm sure u can guess it out already? yeah!! it's kim tae yeon!!! xD
then the 2nd~our ffany ffany tiffany!!! x3
3rd place will go to sunny energizer~can't stand against her aegyo~xP
4th is our ice princess jessica~~ =D
our maknae princess seohyun is on the 5th~=)
im yoona,famous girl lolx~xD she's in 6th~
7th is black pearl yuri!! =3
8th is sooyoung~sometimes feel that she's too tall~
and omfg,sry for placing hyoyeon at 9th...><
but all of them are my favorites~as they're in a group,shoshi is perfect!!^^ 1 of them lacking also make the group less 1 specility~like the horror movie factory,yoona was missing all the time,make the show ain't that perfect><
Thursday, June 24, 2010
king of destruction
well well guys~yuki is here again~(yea,my friend used to call me like that,sounds girlish) a conclusion on the previous post deck list-success!!!xD and opps,i didn't noticed that demise have been release bak to 2>< that also means my advance ritual demise deck can be back on stage~but too bad my cards for advance ritual demise are sold~cards like BEWD,queen of oblivion are all sold~so that deck is a past already...TT
although knowing demise is bak to 2,i still think demise 1 is enough for my garlandolf deck already~ since garandolf's efect already bursting almost all things up already~this deck's most weakness is still stardust,gotta think of a way to roll it up and eat~xD(stardust shushi any1~~??) so BOM is the most effective way to prevent stardust from countering me~just herald still abit annoyed~this deck is worth a try u know? =) and some1 ask why no advance ritual arts~eh hello,do u see any normal monster in my deck??xD and i think that advance ritual arts won't hlp much in this deck,but my advance demise is the diff story~
"When the blue sky turn into bloody red,by the power of the crescent moon,lead this world to it's destruction!! Awake from your deep sleep!! Garlandolf,king of destruction!"
just watch SNSD sing "tell me" in music bank from youtube~compare to wonder girls,SNSD sing and dance more better~and abt BEG,they're no.1 sexiest in korean singing band,especily Ga-in,her eyes make her look more hotter than any member in BEG~but i still prefer SNSD~~Go Go So Nyu Shi Dae!! Fight Fight!!
although knowing demise is bak to 2,i still think demise 1 is enough for my garlandolf deck already~ since garandolf's efect already bursting almost all things up already~this deck's most weakness is still stardust,gotta think of a way to roll it up and eat~xD(stardust shushi any1~~??) so BOM is the most effective way to prevent stardust from countering me~just herald still abit annoyed~this deck is worth a try u know? =) and some1 ask why no advance ritual arts~eh hello,do u see any normal monster in my deck??xD and i think that advance ritual arts won't hlp much in this deck,but my advance demise is the diff story~
"When the blue sky turn into bloody red,by the power of the crescent moon,lead this world to it's destruction!! Awake from your deep sleep!! Garlandolf,king of destruction!"
just watch SNSD sing "tell me" in music bank from youtube~compare to wonder girls,SNSD sing and dance more better~and abt BEG,they're no.1 sexiest in korean singing band,especily Ga-in,her eyes make her look more hotter than any member in BEG~but i still prefer SNSD~~Go Go So Nyu Shi Dae!! Fight Fight!!
rerise of both king of world's end

demise,king of amagedon x1
garlandolf,king of destruction x2
manju the ten thousand x3sonic bird x2
djinns of ritual,releaser x2
djinns of ritual,presider x3
dark reasonator x2
sniper hunter x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1pot of avarice x1
book of moon x2my body as shield x1
ritual of destruction x1
contract with the abyss x2
preparations of rite x2
trap x10
solem judgement x1waboku x3
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
thunder break x2
call of haunted x1D.D transporter x1
so what do u think abt it??last time i play with 3 garlandolf and it works kinda well~by replacing 1 with demise,it make this decl's destruction power goes up up up!!! xD and did u see a shadow of blackhighlander insisde the deck?? =3 the propose i put in dark reasonator is beacuse of this~xD
im yoona!!! i just saw her drama selling in a shop just now~o.O(just her acting in the show)~if i'm not wrong, that show is called "cinderella man"~i wonder should i buy it or not>< because of yoona is inside the show,make my heart go so itchy that wanna buy and watch~xD
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
herald of perfection

ok,today's topic~herald of perfection~this guy's deck go to top 8 in the tourney~that time i'm really surprised, because in my experience,this guy even lose to my galandolf~and i'm not quite sure abt the deck list~this 1 is the decklist in my mind only~if any1 know abt the list,pls do write me 1~=) thx
monster x19herald of perfection x2
manju the ten thousand x3
archlord kristia x3honest x2
hecatrice x3athena x2
asmodius x2ashura x2
magic x16
vahalla,hall of the fallen x3
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
preparation of ritual x2
dawn of the herald x3
pot of avarice x1
hand destruction x2
mausoleum of emperor x3
trap x5
holy barrier-mirror force x1solem judgement x1
call of haunted x1bottomless trap hole x2
i dunno this is correct or not? but in my opinion this style can be played also~it's almost like "shyusei" deck~just not that much of darklords and LADD~but i really wish to see the real deck list,and my friend is playing a herald of perfetion deck with shinato,king of heaven~(actually i didn't see shinato is easy to call out also~)
ice princess jessica jung~^^(J.J?!) 2nd main vocalist in SNSD~like her ldr taeyeon,both of them got the voice that u can reconize it easily~u can easily know when they sing the line~xD
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
a very random deck

falcon of mist valley x3
thunder king raiou x3
lightlord hunter ryokou x2bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x2quick synchro x3
junk synchro x3
genex neutron x3
magic x10
arms hole x2
symbol of heritage x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
hand destruction x2pot of avarice x1
sword of reavilling light x1
trap x6
royal oppression x2
bottomless trap hole x2
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
solem judgement x1
yea yea~~our sweet energy pill again~sunny~~^^just love her cute acting everytime~well,her height really made good support for her cuteness~~158cm really is a big support to her cuteness!!! xD(she's even shorter than our kid ldr-taeyeon~xD,but i really love her lots too~)
the one talks big,everytime he failed~
hihi every1~~i've noticed something recetly,either in playing or in real life,the 1 that talk big sure the 1 that go down~dun u feel that too?? i can say,it's my personal experience~b4 a tourney,my friend keep tell me that he gonna take the 1st place and beat all of the ppl,but he end up get the 8th....see??? too confidence on urself is also a problem~and i that didn't say anything get 5th(that time is with my dragon power deck) and we got 1 very good example recently~a guy here,is like no 1 like to duel with him except his friends...u know why? ok,here's the reason~
-he always play the effect wrongly
-for every limited card(means just allow 1) in deck,he can draw it in every duels~is like 10 matches he can draw it out in the 1st turn fro 9 matches....
-he dun allow others to shuffle his deck
-play forbidden tricks
see?? when in tournements,both players must shuffle their opponent's deck,but he suggest to shuffle by own then let opponent cut once only~and every time play with him,his hand cards always go too smooth,smooth till kinda weird~every limited cards,like rescue cat,allure of darkness,heavy storms and e.hero stratos,he can draw them to hand at every 1st turn~can u belive in that shit luck?? i can tell u a thing,this "shit luck",we call it as "reversal shuffle trick"~they put the cards in the place they can remamber,like bottom or top,or mid of point~so they can remamber the cards and shuffle it bak to top~like this game is end,he/she gonna put the main key card to the bottom of deck~then they shuffle it to the lowest sets,so they got the key card to the top~or pot of avarice,they gonna keep the key monster to the mid,then shuffle it bak to the top~see how they done it??? so,call the judge if they dun let u shuffle their deck after they use pot or search deck~
and 1 more trick to reveal,i think most of ppl already know that~abt infernity,some of the duelist that play infernities,will because of winning,they set their monster to magic/trap zone~but they won't set all in monster,because they also will worry abt heavy storm,if all monster,comfirm they'll get find out~so they'll set 1/2 magic/trap cards,so when u heavy storm,they can use it to hide~ so make sure u comfirm it after the match/ use heavy storm~or call a judge to stand beside infernity players~i dun wan reveal that person,but if that person see this,think bak what u did~it's me told that 1st place kid to use MGS,because i knew some1 will use infernity~and 1st turn unicorn combo also,because i know that's the thing infernity scare the most~and is me that told him to check what u set at the end of game,because i know some1 will do like that~dun blame,even though u get the 1st place in a way like this,u're ntg but a cheater~remamber what i said,and think bak what u did~did u worth to get the place??? in a trick like this? set archfiend and bettle? still losing after play cheat? reversal shuffle did u expect no1 knows??? every thing shows ur tricks, so no nid to run away from it,dare to do,dare to admit~
-he always play the effect wrongly
-for every limited card(means just allow 1) in deck,he can draw it in every duels~is like 10 matches he can draw it out in the 1st turn fro 9 matches....
-he dun allow others to shuffle his deck
-play forbidden tricks
see?? when in tournements,both players must shuffle their opponent's deck,but he suggest to shuffle by own then let opponent cut once only~and every time play with him,his hand cards always go too smooth,smooth till kinda weird~every limited cards,like rescue cat,allure of darkness,heavy storms and e.hero stratos,he can draw them to hand at every 1st turn~can u belive in that shit luck?? i can tell u a thing,this "shit luck",we call it as "reversal shuffle trick"~they put the cards in the place they can remamber,like bottom or top,or mid of point~so they can remamber the cards and shuffle it bak to top~like this game is end,he/she gonna put the main key card to the bottom of deck~then they shuffle it to the lowest sets,so they got the key card to the top~or pot of avarice,they gonna keep the key monster to the mid,then shuffle it bak to the top~see how they done it??? so,call the judge if they dun let u shuffle their deck after they use pot or search deck~
and 1 more trick to reveal,i think most of ppl already know that~abt infernity,some of the duelist that play infernities,will because of winning,they set their monster to magic/trap zone~but they won't set all in monster,because they also will worry abt heavy storm,if all monster,comfirm they'll get find out~so they'll set 1/2 magic/trap cards,so when u heavy storm,they can use it to hide~ so make sure u comfirm it after the match/ use heavy storm~or call a judge to stand beside infernity players~i dun wan reveal that person,but if that person see this,think bak what u did~it's me told that 1st place kid to use MGS,because i knew some1 will use infernity~and 1st turn unicorn combo also,because i know that's the thing infernity scare the most~and is me that told him to check what u set at the end of game,because i know some1 will do like that~dun blame,even though u get the 1st place in a way like this,u're ntg but a cheater~remamber what i said,and think bak what u did~did u worth to get the place??? in a trick like this? set archfiend and bettle? still losing after play cheat? reversal shuffle did u expect no1 knows??? every thing shows ur tricks, so no nid to run away from it,dare to do,dare to admit~
Monday, June 21, 2010
abt dragunity and SNSD
well~abt dragunity,i think most of the duelist know how the deck work like,right?? but i still gotta say here,dragunity dragon tunners are not union monsters!!!!! and dun make it even more power than a union monster!!! wtf?! as a dragunity deck user i'm totally angry abt this....u know how they play?? future fusion,discard all the dragons,then dragon mirror~call out FGD,then from hand,they direct equip 1 brandistock,3! what u think it is?? a equip magic card?? they dun even got the dragon controlling technique on field....wat the hell?! it says "if this card is equip on a monster,that monster will gain",not mean that u can direct equip to a monster from hand!!!! correct them they still saying me dunno how to play....what larh...i'm a half japanese ok?? i can still atlease read the japanese words,argue? i know that laevatein is strong,but not in a form like that....=.=" u know how they play it?? they sp summon laevatein with aclys,this is correct,but the thing here is like this....they use laevantein's effect to equip a FGD,then equip with another FGD,then mistil,wtf?....then use it to go bang to opponent's diehard wall of monster with 2800 atk point...then sp summon all 5 monster from the bak...=.=" issin't this abit over wrong???
okok,i gotta calm down abit...=.=" let's talk abt my favorite-SNSD~ did any1 ever noticed? once u get attract to SNSD,is so hard for u to feel that the other girl can compare to them? well,i used to like mizuki nana,and cindy wang,or even BEG(this is also a girl's band from korea)~but after i'm into SNSD fan world,i suddenly feel that cindy wang is not that good,even seohyun can press her down from the stage~nana still consider as quite ok~and abt BEG,omfg!!! their style is absolutely not the look i wan~after watching SNSD's cute innocent,feel that BEG is too depends on sexy moves....(say serious abit,i suddenly feel disgussting) compare to BEG,SNSD is more side to pure pretty look~dun belive? maybe u can compare "Girl's generation" mv to "abra cadabra" mv~see am i wrong or not~
see the diffrent??
Sunday, June 20, 2010
light dark laevatein deck

monster x27(this guy like to put alot of monster in the deck)
dragunity arms-laevatein x3
dragunity arms-mistil x3dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-primus pilus x2
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-legion x3
dragunity-brandistock x2
light and darkness dragon x2
red eyes wyvern x3
red eyes darkness metal dragon x3magic x10
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
trade in x2
card destruction x1
dragon cayon x3
creature swap x2
trap x3bottomless trap hole x2
solem judgement x1
that's kinda lots of monster>< and did u ever noticed how hoorifying legion and aclys can do?? it's "double kill" effect~xD and aclys is a very crazy card~crazy crazy crazy!!!

-did i need this?
-can this card sell out after i dun use it?
-is this card worth on buying by single or i direct go buy a box of booster?
that's what i gotta think be4 i buy cards~but,i noticed something~alot of kiddy buy like this:
-whoah,this 1 look cool!!-whep! this 1 look strong!!
-woots!this card is expensive,comfirm it's a good card!!
this is how a kiddy think...i'm not saying that this thinking is wrong~i'm a kiddy be4,and i use to got these kind of thinking too~but,the diffrent now is,at the time when i was kiddy,i nid to ask permission from my parents to buy even a packet of snack~and now days kid,when their hand goes into their pocket,the thing they will come out with will scares u alot~guess what issit?? OMFG!!! a bunch of cash!!!! and all in rm50!!! what the hell?! even i open my wallet,just abt 3~4 pcs of rm50 then add on some rm10 and rm5,or maybe some rm1....=.="can u imagine it??? is not that,just 1 or 2,every kiddy i see,is in this kind of scary...he use that bunch of cash slap on ur face u will fly from the spot u standing to another spot....=.=" so many cash on their hand,so they buy cards like crazy....buying 3 brionac like not even itchy at all....the most scary thing i saw is,they buy 3 brionac,3 red eyes darkness metal and 3 secret rare stardust buster....=.=" omfg....i wonder how they get so much of money,even i work like a cow,i just get rm800++ per month,and i still gotta count in my phone bill,motor petrol and the debt of motor,and summore my collage exam i just left rm500++ only,that's the number i haven't count in my meals,and every1 i know knows that i'm a coffee lover,3 cup atlease per day,and now days good coffee isn't cheap....u saying that their family supporting them?? but i dun think so....that kid that buy 3 brionac,is not used to buy like that...when his mother is in acompany to buy,maximum price is rm20...but he took out the cash is like there's rm900++(when he's alone) or even more,i dun think that buch of cash is only 10pcs of rm50....but think of another way,how will u think if he get robbed?xD i'm so bad larh~hahas!!!
ok,quit on the spoiled kiddies~now is the same thing in my recent post~SNSD at the ending~xD every1 watch "chocolate love" MV already?? if u haven't watch,do watch it!! strongly suggested!! their sexy dance will pull u off~xD and the kitty purring moves is sooooooo attractive!!!! sooooo cute!!!!!! xD
Saturday, June 19, 2010
is he a kid? or a greed??
hi guys~today i found out something that's sooo scaryy~~remamber the incident of a kid say himself is not from earth? that incident really make lots of duelist get mad~and now here's another incident~there used to be a kid that always go to my friend's shop(that shop name is "nice play" that's in penang pragin mall 4th floor~)~he always got so much money,and alot of cards~once he go to my friend shop,he bough alot of packs,and then gather all the cards he dun wan and sell them for rm10 in a big size deck of cards~i'm thinking,is he crazy or something? he bought like half of a new opened booster pack with his money,then get 1 or 2 cards that he wan,and then sold all the left over cards for rm10(not ea,i mean 1 whole thing over here)~is he crazy?? and he got 4 brionac,4 gungnir,and 4 trishula~guess how he get it? he stole the cards from others,and after being boring with them already,sell them cheap~what an asshole~my cards also almost get stoled...=.="(lucky i noticed....he stuck my drill warrior,star dust,red demon,black rose and brionac under his butt...=.=and make till now my drill worrior got abit of dmg...=.=")
and guess what i find out today,the reason he got so many money to buy cards is because he stole his parent's accessories and trade in for money~zzz...=.=" and today i've been told that,he get "SM" by his mother already~because they've find out what he did~hahas,see all the cane scar on his body,lolx!!!
and guess what i find out today,the reason he got so many money to buy cards is because he stole his parent's accessories and trade in for money~zzz...=.=" and today i've been told that,he get "SM" by his mother already~because they've find out what he did~hahas,see all the cane scar on his body,lolx!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Karakuri and how to reconize dragunity knights
well,i belive that many ppl have already know this archtype~yeah,it's machine samurais~or machine ancient japan kigdom suit them better??? yes lam,i totally agree with u~they're freaking alike to six samurais~hahas~ but can any1 tell me how their deck play style gonna go??? coz i can't see what's the good on changing own's battle position~just to combo the trap card-karakuri's time bomb?? but that's not possible issit?? they must have something to support on the effect?? and in the next pack,elecki gonna burst out like crazy~so those who didn't meet elecki be4 should think a way to beat them already~ and some of my friends ask me why i be so sure that all those birds riding on the dragon are the birds i'm saying~omfg.....=.=" what a lousy question....for those who can't see,did u reconize their wings? all of their wings are diffrent,if u go and check the both cards,u could reconize already~
"pierce through the white storm"dragunity-dux+dragunity-phalanx=dragunity knight-gaebolg
"judgment of the blue cyclone"dragunity-primus pilus+dragunity-?=dragunity knight-trident
"slice through the burning waves"dragunity-legion+dragunity-black spear=draguniyt knight-gadearg
"dash of the justice breeze"dragunity-mitlum+dragunity-javelin=dragunity knight-vanjuranda
"howl of the green typhoon"dragunity-angusticlavii+dragunity-pilum=dragunity knight-barcha
u can go check~or maybe take the card to compare and see?? but all of the bird's weapon change to a long spear/lance after they've ride up their dragons~the 1 star dragons are all weapons~hope they out more dragunity synchro~coz there's still 1 more dragon waiting to be ride~but wait,there's no more bird for the dragon.....=.=" haiz....poor aclys~think aclys is a crossbow arrow?? xD coz it's destructive effect is kinda alike~
"surging of the howling wind,powers that cut through everything~let the world heard the roars!___(add in the phrase be4 the method)! awake! knights of dragon cayon,dragunity knight-(add on the name of the knights that's calling out)"
ice princess jessica jung~~^^ mikyy's favorite~right?? xD she's born in callifornia and went to korea to take her training at 11~she can speak fluent english~heard how she speaks be4? if you didn't know her name and today's place,u won't know she's korean~xD and her voice is sooo sweet that not every1 can stand over to it~ agree??xD
"pierce through the white storm"dragunity-dux+dragunity-phalanx=dragunity knight-gaebolg
"judgment of the blue cyclone"dragunity-primus pilus+dragunity-?=dragunity knight-trident
"slice through the burning waves"dragunity-legion+dragunity-black spear=draguniyt knight-gadearg
"dash of the justice breeze"dragunity-mitlum+dragunity-javelin=dragunity knight-vanjuranda
"howl of the green typhoon"dragunity-angusticlavii+dragunity-pilum=dragunity knight-barcha
u can go check~or maybe take the card to compare and see?? but all of the bird's weapon change to a long spear/lance after they've ride up their dragons~the 1 star dragons are all weapons~hope they out more dragunity synchro~coz there's still 1 more dragon waiting to be ride~but wait,there's no more bird for the dragon.....=.=" haiz....poor aclys~think aclys is a crossbow arrow?? xD coz it's destructive effect is kinda alike~
"surging of the howling wind,powers that cut through everything~let the world heard the roars!___(add in the phrase be4 the method)! awake! knights of dragon cayon,dragunity knight-(add on the name of the knights that's calling out)"
ice princess jessica jung~~^^ mikyy's favorite~right?? xD she's born in callifornia and went to korea to take her training at 11~she can speak fluent english~heard how she speaks be4? if you didn't know her name and today's place,u won't know she's korean~xD and her voice is sooo sweet that not every1 can stand over to it~ agree??xD
new DT,new planet,new invaders!!!
i wonder why all invaders aliens are in insect look..=.=" no other better idea?? but this bug aliens are more intresting than worms afterall~~yup,we're calling them as "inverz"~~they're the 2nd generation of monarch~ all the effect are "when this card advance summon successfully",then only they activate effect~but the problem is can only be release with "inverz" monsters~so they're a kind of roaches that support themselves~
all u gotta do is to recycle them to hand and bang~it's a easy deck to play with~=)
monster x20
scout of inverz x2
inverz morth x2
inverz giraffa x3
magic x9
card trader x2
invasive move x2
trap x11
compulsory excauvation device x3
invasire surge x3
call of haunted x1
westland tornado x2
solem judgement x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
well,these are the inverz i kow so far~if got any updates then maybe will got some changes in the deck~=D my friend say them as "cocroaches"~well,some of them look like roaches,but the big ones are like moth and beetles~xD time to invade some planets~~xD go go inverz!!!
all u gotta do is to recycle them to hand and bang~it's a easy deck to play with~=)
monster x20
evil cell of the inverz x3
gate keeper of inverz x3scout of inverz x2
inverz caller x2
inver madeth x2inverz morth x2
inverz giraffa x3
inverz gasath x3
one for one x1
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1card trader x2
card destruction x1
pot of avarice x1invasive move x2
trap x11
compulsory excauvation device x3
invasire surge x3
call of haunted x1
westland tornado x2
solem judgement x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
well,these are the inverz i kow so far~if got any updates then maybe will got some changes in the deck~=D my friend say them as "cocroaches"~well,some of them look like roaches,but the big ones are like moth and beetles~xD time to invade some planets~~xD go go inverz!!!
mantis fiend~
morth fiend~
stag bettle fiend~(in my opinion larh~but i wonder why it's call giraffa?)
hercules bettle fiend~(also in my opinion only~)
and for our smiling angel~tiffany's smile are always that charming~dun u think so?? once she smile,u're in the dream world already~ go go tiffany too!!! xD
another dragunity post here~after seeing mike's blogg,the loop of the deck is kinda good~but remamber guys,i've told u all that dragunity arms-laevatein is not suit for full dragunity deck~and i meant it!! if u dun belive,why dun u try it urself? laevatein is good for dragon beat down deck,but not in dragunity~think guys, dragunity deck is base on synchro summon to kill,so laevatein got no place to stand either~what u gonna do with it? pull phalanx and go for trident dragon?? save up the cards u gonna destroy for dragunity knight-trident is much more better,dun u think so? i'm not saying that laevatein is noob or what,just strongly meant that laevatein is not suit for dragunity base deck~and i must tell u all here 1st,when duel with dragunity deck, although they won't be crazy like infernity,but clean up ur eyes and see how they gonna call out their knights~
and did u guys know that,dragunity knight-gaebolg that equip with dragunity-brandistock is a very dangerous monster?? advice here,dun let it direct atk u,cause it'll be very painful~with brandistock,it can atk twice~why dun u see like this? u got no cards on field,ntg to stop his attack either,so get prepare with his crazy effect~ let's make it big~1st atk,gaebolg got his dragunity-primus pilus' pump up and become 4200 atk point,with no cards on field and can't stop his atk,take a direct 4200 dmg~then with 2nd attack,it's primus pilus buff still haven't gone yet,and another buff with dux/primus pilus/legion/mitlum~do u think a full LP duelist can stand over that??
monster x22
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-phalanx x2
dragunity-primus pilus x2
dragunity-mitlum x2
dragunity-brandistock x2
dragunity-cosseca x1
dragunity-black spear x3
dragunity-legion x2
magic x16
dragon cayon x3
D.D.R x2
treasure of harmony x2
terrorforming x2
dragon maunipulation technique x2
book of moon x2
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
pot of avarice x1
trap x2
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
this structure is kinda balance already~u can try it out~=) i won't say it can beat every decks,or beat BF or what~but it's fun to play with~and newest DT,it got a very intresting archtype~that's invers~^^ it's just with monarch effect,that's "when this card is advance summon successfully"~and dun think of putting frog frog,coz frog won't hlp~=)
and i think many duelist already realize~every dragunity knights are 1 dragon tunner that have been grown up that have a master riding on them~
and did u guys know that,dragunity knight-gaebolg that equip with dragunity-brandistock is a very dangerous monster?? advice here,dun let it direct atk u,cause it'll be very painful~with brandistock,it can atk twice~why dun u see like this? u got no cards on field,ntg to stop his attack either,so get prepare with his crazy effect~ let's make it big~1st atk,gaebolg got his dragunity-primus pilus' pump up and become 4200 atk point,with no cards on field and can't stop his atk,take a direct 4200 dmg~then with 2nd attack,it's primus pilus buff still haven't gone yet,and another buff with dux/primus pilus/legion/mitlum~do u think a full LP duelist can stand over that??
monster x22
dragunity arms-mistil x3
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-phalanx x2
dragunity-primus pilus x2
dragunity-mitlum x2
dragunity-brandistock x2
dragunity-cosseca x1
dragunity-black spear x3
dragunity-legion x2
magic x16
dragon cayon x3
D.D.R x2
treasure of harmony x2
terrorforming x2
dragon maunipulation technique x2
book of moon x2
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
pot of avarice x1
trap x2
call of haunted x1
holy barrier-mirror force x1
this structure is kinda balance already~u can try it out~=) i won't say it can beat every decks,or beat BF or what~but it's fun to play with~and newest DT,it got a very intresting archtype~that's invers~^^ it's just with monarch effect,that's "when this card is advance summon successfully"~and dun think of putting frog frog,coz frog won't hlp~=)
and i think many duelist already realize~every dragunity knights are 1 dragon tunner that have been grown up that have a master riding on them~
dragunity-dux=dragunity knight-gaebolg
dragunity-legion=dragunity knight-gadearg
dragunity-mitlum=dragunity knight-vanjuranda
dragunity-primus pilus=dragunity knight-trident
dragunity-angusticlavii=dragunity knight-barcha
our full energy sunny~~^^ seeing her cute acting make me feel more optimistic~^^ remamber the roll pointing dance of her in Gee?? that's perfectly cute!!!xD love love!!!<3
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
scar red nova dragon
i'm very sure every1 know how good this card is right??but just the problem on how to summon it~i've said be4,the more harder to use that card,more duelist wanna try it out~=) correct?? here's 1 decklist base on summoning scar red nova,although is not that smooth yet,but i think is still consider as quite ok already~ further update on this deck will be here soon~=)
monster x 22
power giant x2
apocatequil x2
create reasonator x2
raiza the storm monarch x2
cyber dragon/vice dragon x2
bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x3
junk synchro x3
deep sea diva x3
magic x10
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
foolish burial x1
instant fusion x3
book of moon x2
hand destruction x2
trap x8
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless trap hole x2
limit reverse x2
monster x 22
power giant x2
apocatequil x2
create reasonator x2
raiza the storm monarch x2
cyber dragon/vice dragon x2
bolt hedgehog x3
level stealler x3
junk synchro x3
deep sea diva x3
magic x10
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
foolish burial x1
instant fusion x3
book of moon x2
hand destruction x2
trap x8
holy barrier-mirror force x1
bottomless trap hole x2
limit reverse x2
thunder break x2
call of haunted x1
i admit that this is not thta good yet,but i promiss i'll update a upgraded version of it~because scar red nova i'm very sure that i'm intrested on it already~once it comes out,u've already gain the most game control~agree?
So Nyu Shi dae's kiddy leader!! Kim Tae Yeon!! xD the more u see her,the more cuter she become in ur mind~xD right?? Fight Fight!! xD
Sunday, June 13, 2010
magician synchro deck?
i know this deck is abit lame~is the deck idea from rauzes' dark valkyria beat deck~just add more cards inside~=) to play with synchros,ofcourse magician tempest is a card that can't be forgotten,and so is arcanite magician~both of them done really well in magician deck,with all the spell counters u can get,for them is just too power~xD
monster x21dark valkyria x3
breaker,the magical warrior x3
crusader of endymion x3
tunned magician x3
dual summoner/kycoo the ghost destroyer x2
magical conductor x3clevonce x2
psycho commander x2
magic x19
the magical city of endymion x3
terrorforming x2
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
supervis x3
gemini spark x2
dimensional magic x2
emergancy teleport x1
pot of avarice x1
yup~this deck is with no traps~not even 1~see gambeast deck b4? it's also almost withouth any traps~ crusader of endymion is so hard to finddd~>< and the price is scary,rm40 for ea!! arghh!! i should've took 3 last time when it's in rm25~i just took 1...TT regret....magic conductor is the 1 that combo magician tempest best~did u guys ever noticed that magical conductor is magician tempest? is just she took night end socerer's scyther~
today is our dancing queen~~xD although she didn't have the cute look like the other members,but she got a real skill on dancing~agree? yes! u must agree~xD
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