monster x26
morphing jar x1light lord hunter ryokou x2
ally genex birdman x2
quick synchro x3genex neutron x3
rai-ou x3
bolt hedgehog x3junk synchro x3
falcon of mist valley x3
level stealler x3magic x7
heavy storm x1
cyclone x1
sword of revilling light x1
pot of avarice x1
brain wash-brain control x1hand destruction x2
trap x7
call of haunted x1
scrap iron scarecrow x1
bottomless trap hole x2
reckless greed x3after modify,the monster in this deck seems to be much more d...=.=" but with genex neutron,i ain't scare of not getting any tunners~2 choices,birdman/quick synchro~ouhhs,and for those who dunno,birdman can't bounce bak cards like zombie carrier/bolt hedgehog/battle fader to hand if they're sp summon by their own effect because they'll gotta removed from play when they leaves the field~i also knew it just now only~for falcon,i mostly will bounce bak sword or morphing jar~lolx~ohya,same goes to falcon's effect,can't bounce bak the cards i mention abt just now~ally genex triforce and triarms are great cards,just that triarms nid genex controller for it's tunner.....=.=" annoyed~too bad that my deck can't synchro kuroshikan,can't see much of dark non tunner monster,just 3 ladybugs...><
time for SNSD again~~xD if i tell u all the mambers' rate for me are the same,i'm just lying~still got the places for every mamber~just that,i still like all 9 of them~won't because of these then i dun like any1 of them~=)
the 1st 1 i like the most~i'm sure u can guess it out already? yeah!! it's kim tae yeon!!! xD
then the 2nd~our ffany ffany tiffany!!! x3
3rd place will go to sunny energizer~can't stand against her aegyo~xP
4th is our ice princess jessica~~ =D
our maknae princess seohyun is on the 5th~=)
im yoona,famous girl lolx~xD she's in 6th~
7th is black pearl yuri!! =3
8th is sooyoung~sometimes feel that she's too tall~
and omfg,sry for placing hyoyeon at 9th...><
but all of them are my favorites~as they're in a group,shoshi is perfect!!^^ 1 of them lacking also make the group less 1 specility~like the horror movie factory,yoona was missing all the time,make the show ain't that perfect><
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