monster x27(this guy like to put alot of monster in the deck)
dragunity arms-laevatein x3
dragunity arms-mistil x3dragunity-aclys x3
dragunity-primus pilus x2
dragunity-dux x3
dragunity-legion x3
dragunity-brandistock x2
light and darkness dragon x2
red eyes wyvern x3
red eyes darkness metal dragon x3magic x10
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1
trade in x2
card destruction x1
dragon cayon x3
creature swap x2
trap x3bottomless trap hole x2
solem judgement x1
that's kinda lots of monster>< and did u ever noticed how hoorifying legion and aclys can do?? it's "double kill" effect~xD and aclys is a very crazy card~crazy crazy crazy!!!

-did i need this?
-can this card sell out after i dun use it?
-is this card worth on buying by single or i direct go buy a box of booster?
that's what i gotta think be4 i buy cards~but,i noticed something~alot of kiddy buy like this:
-whoah,this 1 look cool!!-whep! this 1 look strong!!
-woots!this card is expensive,comfirm it's a good card!!
this is how a kiddy think...i'm not saying that this thinking is wrong~i'm a kiddy be4,and i use to got these kind of thinking too~but,the diffrent now is,at the time when i was kiddy,i nid to ask permission from my parents to buy even a packet of snack~and now days kid,when their hand goes into their pocket,the thing they will come out with will scares u alot~guess what issit?? OMFG!!! a bunch of cash!!!! and all in rm50!!! what the hell?! even i open my wallet,just abt 3~4 pcs of rm50 then add on some rm10 and rm5,or maybe some rm1....=.="can u imagine it??? is not that,just 1 or 2,every kiddy i see,is in this kind of stat....how scary...he use that bunch of cash slap on ur face u will fly from the spot u standing to another spot....=.=" so many cash on their hand,so they buy cards like crazy....buying 3 brionac like not even itchy at all....the most scary thing i saw is,they buy 3 brionac,3 red eyes darkness metal and 3 secret rare stardust buster....=.=" omfg....i wonder how they get so much of money,even i work like a cow,i just get rm800++ per month,and i still gotta count in my phone bill,motor petrol and the debt of motor,and summore my collage exam fees....so i just left rm500++ only,that's the number i haven't count in my meals,and every1 i know knows that i'm a coffee lover,3 cup atlease per day,and now days good coffee isn't cheap....u saying that their family supporting them?? but i dun think so....that kid that buy 3 brionac,is not used to buy like that...when his mother is in acompany to buy,maximum price is rm20...but he took out the cash is like there's rm900++(when he's alone) or even more,i dun think that buch of cash is only 10pcs of rm50....but think of another way,how will u think if he get robbed?xD i'm so bad larh~hahas!!!
ok,quit on the spoiled kiddies~now is the same thing in my recent post~SNSD at the ending~xD every1 watch "chocolate love" MV already?? if u haven't watch,do watch it!! strongly suggested!! their sexy dance will pull u off~xD and the kitty purring moves is sooooooo attractive!!!! sooooo cute!!!!!! xD
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