demise,king of amagedon x1
garlandolf,king of destruction x2
manju the ten thousand x3sonic bird x2
djinns of ritual,releaser x2
djinns of ritual,presider x3
dark reasonator x2
sniper hunter x1
magic x11
cyclone x1
heavy storm x1pot of avarice x1
book of moon x2my body as shield x1
ritual of destruction x1
contract with the abyss x2
preparations of rite x2
trap x10
solem judgement x1waboku x3
holy barrier-mirror force x1
transmigtion prophecy x1
thunder break x2
call of haunted x1D.D transporter x1
so what do u think abt it??last time i play with 3 garlandolf and it works kinda well~by replacing 1 with demise,it make this decl's destruction power goes up up up!!! xD and did u see a shadow of blackhighlander insisde the deck?? =3 the propose i put in dark reasonator is beacuse of this~xD
im yoona!!! i just saw her drama selling in a shop just now~o.O(just her acting in the show)~if i'm not wrong, that show is called "cinderella man"~i wonder should i buy it or not>< because of yoona is inside the show,make my heart go so itchy that wanna buy and watch~xD
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