laval cannon
when this card successfully summon or flip summon,specil summon 1 removed from play "laval" monster to ur field~
with this effect,laval deck really get a boost! RFP laval warrior/laval burner,sp summon spirit of flames ifrit~then summon laval cannon and u got back the food for ifrit~hahas~laval steraid
this 1 is really a bad ass! anything that targets it,by just removing 1 "laval monster from play,negate and destroy it! so wahlaaaa!!!
monsters x23
morphing jar x1
spirit of flames ifrit x2
crimson field fire hwak x2
flemvell hell dog x3
laval warrior x3
laval miller x3
laval burner x3laval temptress x3
laval cannon x3
magic x13
hand destruction x2
cyclone x2battle waltz x2
terrorforming x2
molten destruction x3
book of eclips x2trap x4
call of haunted x1
royal decree x3
extra deck x15
laval twin slayer x2
lavalball dragon x1
laval greater x2
laval steraid x2stardust dragon x1
redemon's dragon x1
scrap dragon x1
black rose dragon x1
goyou guardian x1brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1
AOJ catastor x1magical android x1
well~this is so far the list of the deck~i tell u what,laval lancer is not out yet...and i dun really know what's the effect all abt..==" is like totally pointless...

machiner fortress x2
karakuri merchant mdl 177 x2
karakuri stratergiest mdl 248 x3
karakuri guard mdl 313 x3karakuri bushi mdl 6318 x3
karakuri ninja mdl 919 x3
karakuri soldier mdl 236 x3
magic x14
pot of avarice x1
karakuri showdown castle x3
karakuri anatomy x3
borrowed karakuri warehouse x3
cyclone x2
trap x7
call of haunted x1
karakuri klock x2
spiritual earth art-kurogane x2
emergancy tunning x2
extra deck x15
karakuri great shougun bureido x3
karakuri shougun burei x3stardust dragon x1
scrap dragon x2
red demon's dragon x1
black rose dragon x1
goyou guardian x1
brionac,dragon of ice boundary x1AOJ catastor x1
magical android x1
hmm~emergancy tunning~why i dun put this card at my lavals but in my karakuri? hmm,u see~laval got not much draw power,all gotta come slowly~but karakuri got alot of sraw engines,so no matter,comfirm will get
to some monster that'll be needing it~xD
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