annyeonghaseyo~~dark justice kuroyuki is here~~=3 well guys,i got something offer here~
true six samurai-kishan x2 rm75ea
six samurai's grandmaster x2 rm75ea
true six samurai-shien x2 rm50ea
six samurai's gateway x2 rm80ea
there~six sam's thingies~i'm just helping my friend to sell 'em,he's shipping it to any country,means by internationaly~if to oversea then the shipping will be count in i suppose?o.O will post it again after comfirmation~so any of u intrested in it can leave comment or e.mail to me (
ok,back to the topic~every1 is making agents now days~so i'm kinda disappointing again...go into tournement,just see who's the fastest that can give out christia,then he/she will most problely control the game~i got 1 of the master hyperion deck too,but that's just for tourney or when playing with "lan si"(we mean it by "self prouding" ppl),well since they like to play top tier deck even when playing for fun,then so be it~either dun come find me for game or i'll be using one too~i hate them but i got them too,so watch ur steps,i know all the tactics of the deck playing~

i got 3 box of lost sanctuary,this deck is sooo worth it to buy 3 boxes,last few deck even if u buy 3 box u can only make it to 1 deck~but this 1 is diff,i make it to 2! master hyperion deck just add in 2 cyclone then it's done~the left over cards is not garbage but useful cards for me~=3 yup,saturn deck~and i just love it soo much! although is not a deck that can compare to master hyperion or any top tier deck,but it's fun!
monster x19
the agent of judgement,saturn x3
the agent of force,mars x3
the SPLENDID venus x3
shining angel x3
nova summoner x3
marshmallon x1
zeradias,herlard of heaven x3
magic x12
treasure of heaven x3
celestia formation x3
inferno reckless summon x3
sanctuary of sky x3
trap x9
divine punishment x2
magical cylinder x2
drain shield x3
miraclous descent x2

hmm~it's a fun deck actually~but i belive kinda alot of ppl make this be4 just be4 the SD20 is release also,right?but treasure of heaven is just perfect for this deck~=3
i play with my brother,i use shining angel and magical cylinder to make until his LP are left 2100,and he finally can pump his dash warrior with involution humanity and united we stand~and have gravity bind set field~so i totally go OMFG! but lucky i set on with drain shield~dash warrior attack my shinning angel with 2400+4000+1200=7600!!(big dash warrior indeed...=.=",my self made deck make me to pinch...) so i activate drain shield and absorb up all the atk point and my LP now is a total of 8000+7600=15600!!o.O whaoh!my hand got celestia formation,inferno reckless summon,agent of force mars and sanctuary of sky~so i told him if next turn my draw is saturn,he'll be a dead meat that get barbaque by just 1 saturn(well u know,he got 5 monster on his zone,so no more inferno reckless summon..=.=")but omfg,i draw treasure of heaven...=.="dam it!so i just RFP mars~but wait a minute,there's another solution of winning come out! i draw out miraculous descent and divine punish!! god dang!i just turn my shining angel down to def and sent both the cards~next turn he lightning voltex my shining angel and ready to attack~then i just whoop,"trap card activate,miraculous decent!" and my super big mars is here! woots!15600-2100=13500 atk point! super freaking big!but he got no worry because he's mirror force is on set...=="(he set it just be4 he make his dash warrior come out and i knew it...)then at my turn i just use this super freaking big mars to bang his dash warrior! he activate holy barrier and i counter with divine punishment! he wahla!xD finally the super big hammer bang into the barrier and his dash warrior got crushed like piece of "keropok" in my hand~xD and mars is just lvl3,so gravity bind is useless against it! hahas!

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