annyeonghaseyoo~dark justice kuroyuki here~=3 well,as preview,this deck is evil hero deck~although ntg so specil,but i'm going to give it a try~coz didn't see any1 playing it since it's release...=.=" so i decide to play it out~but just dark fusion can't be play perfectly like judai did,must add in 2 polymerzation~unlike cyber dragon,even withouth powerbond,they still can fuse together as fortress dragon,or 2100 beat stick~
monster x17e.hero sparkman x2
e.hero burstlady x2
e.hero featherman x2
e.hero clayman x2
e.hero edgeman x1e.hero woodsman x2
e.hero wildman x2e-hero malicious edge x2
fossil tasker x2
magic x16
hero mask x2
dark mass production factory x3
reinforcement of the army x1
future fusion x1polymerzation x2
dark fusion x3
dark calling x2
burden of mighty x2
trap x7
paradox fusion x2
hero blast x2
reckless greed x3
extra deck x15
e-hero malicious devil x1
e-hero inferno wing x2e-hero infernal sniper x1
e-hero wild cyclone x1
e-hero lightning golem x2
e.hero plasmavice x1
e.hero flame wingman x1
e.hero pheonixguy x1
e.hero thunder giant x1e.hero rampart blaster x1
e.hero wildedge x1
e.hero wild wingman x1
and i wan to try out old school type~xD and i love evil heros~
-dark gaia turn up all defend monster and give a cool strike
-inferno wing can either choose to burn def or atk

-wild cyclone is a harpy duster!
and lastly my favorite!
-malicious devil force u to destroy urself! hahas!!
the Ha-Ou(supreme king) revive here!
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